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  • Our picks

    • Age of History 3 - October 23rd, 2024 - Official release date
      Age of History 3 - Official release date


      Steam: October 23rd, 2024

      Android: When it's ready

      iOS: When it's ready

      Epic: When it's ready

    • Campaign: Small Scenarios
      In this topic, share your ideas for Campaign scenarios.

      These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland.


      For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula.

      What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?


    • Events - Common events for every civilization in the game
      in this topic, I am interested in your ideas for events that can happen for every Civilization in the game.
      I'm also interested in Missions for every Civilization.

      Here is some example, have more than 10k army, have more than 5000 gold, build 10 buildings, recruit an Advisor, increase tax efficiency 20 times, be largest  producer of some resource in the world, unlock 5 Civilization legacies etc.
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    • First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3
      First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3, YouTube.
      Release date: When it's ready 😛 Subscribe for more!


    • Land units - Ideas AoH3
      AoH3 will have different types of land units.

      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

      Representation of the battlefield in the game.

      Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.

      Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.


      Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.


      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

      First line:

      Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

      Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

      First line side:

      Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

      Second line:

      Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

      Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

      Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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