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Age of History 3

POLiser - When prey becomes the hunter

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POLiser is scenario that is mostly based about alternative history of Poland , and how it become a europe superpower.

You may not know , but in history Poland was having chances to be strong , but unfortunelly didnt used it.

But here is alternative History.

In 1916 , Poles started uprising on Austria , germany and Russia territories , and managed to win it in 5 February 1917 , and also gain a full indepedence.

At 1921 while Polish-Bolshevik war , Piłsudzki didnt decide to make a peace pact with Soviets , but was keep going deeper into russia territories.

When Poles captured Moscow , bolshevik decided to give up and sign a pact , where Poland getted old territories from 1610 (With Moscow) and Ukraine territories that become vasal.

In 1933 , when Germanic nationalism was rising in Power, Poland decided to attack weaked germans , and with France help they winned the battle of Berlin , which Make germany being ripped on Bawaria , Prussia ( Poland Vasal) and Democratic Germany.

There was also a lot of different stories , like Silesia Uprising , or Finland winning with USSR , but why i would write this when you can try scenario yourself?

Heres link to Dowloand - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s4Vie6sytfuqIQzuMDllMVzKbyxYy6YZ/view?usp=sharing


Have fun.



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