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Age of History 3

struggle of the world (W.I.P)

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the struggle of the world is a scenario where the world is hit by this crisis (mostly political) with this many countrys start to collapse, we see here the usa,canada, and japan. with this the axis find a way out of this, its by conquering other nations for resources, witch they do. democracy and monarchy cant do this since of their ideology, but communism,fascism and socialist can this makes france fall quicker to the germans (2-3 weeks) britain loosing the war in africa starts to loose moral. in the european theater they are loosing the battle for britain and they sue for peace, japan even being fascist, they couldent compete with the russian and chinise military and collapsed with a civil war which the democrats won. in russia the ussr starts to move to national bolshevism, with a coup the goverment gets replaced by it.




Edited by blaze4904

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Morathi, mother of Malekith the Witch King, - has now arrived to the front and is attacking a smaller High Elven force. It's her first battle using lots of Witch Elves, Daemonettes, Cauldrons of Blood and even Anakonda's Amazons in battle.

Edited by zdimo

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