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Age of History 3

Personal Union

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The personal union is two / multiple state that are independant from each other but have the same monarch / president (hello Simon Bolivar) as the head of state.



In the diplomatic section, choose the master and vassal antions then you can add personal union between nations.

The nations that are in personnal union have the military access to each other. If war is declared on the vassal, the master will be automaticaly called to war. The vassal in personnal union will get the master's color.

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On 8‏/11‏/2023 at 09:21, OhPancake said:

الاتحاد الشخصي هو دولتان / دولتان مستقلتان عن بعضهما البعض ولكن لهما نفس الملك / الرئيس (مرحبًا سيمون بوليفار) كرئيس للدولة.


// كيف سيعمل //

في القسم الدبلوماسي، اختر أنتيون السيد والتابع ثم يمكنك إضافة الاتحاد الشخصي بين الأمم.

الدول التي هي في اتحاد شخصي لديها إمكانية الوصول العسكري إلى بعضها البعض. إذا تم إعلان الحرب على التابع، فسيتم استدعاء السيد تلقائيًا إلى الحرب. سوف يحصل التابع في الاتحاد الشخصي على لون السيد.

Like Canada, Australia and New Zealand for the United Kingdom

Good idea bro

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On 11/8/2023 at 9:21 AM, OhPancake said:

The personal union is two / multiple state that are independant from each other but have the same monarch / president (hello Simon Bolivar) as the head of state.



In the diplomatic section, choose the master and vassal antions then you can add personal union between nations.

The nations that are in personnal union have the military access to each other. If war is declared on the vassal, the master will be automaticaly called to war. The vassal in personnal union will get the master's color.

I think we really need to know more about Aoh3. This is a very sophisticated idea, I dont think u can find something such as a Personal Union as a particular Mechanic, how complex Will Aoh3? What Will It Focus on? 

Edited by Mov

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