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Age of History 3

Why there should be ships un Age por History 3?

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I not sure if @Łukasz Jakowski has changed his mind and decided to add ships, but here's my idea. Age of History 3 is already a bigger, more ambitious game, and not including ships - whether warships, transport vessels, cargo ships, or blockade runners - would cut out a significant portion of the game's content, features, realism, and fun.



It's easy to add ships; they would be like land units but at sea, with some unique characteristics. How can you have a cavalry army fight a knight army in the middle of the ocean? Yes, it's odd and humorous, but it's not too much to ask for ships. Just allow us to build them in ports - transport ships, warships, support vessels, galleons, brigantines, etc. Perhaps @Łukasz Jakowski doesn't want to add them to save time, but please, Mr. @Łukasz Jakowski, we all want this, even if it's just added in a DLC or update.



Make this system similar to the land army, with primitive ships in earlier eras progressing to modern ships in the present day. There should be a progression in the technology tree, as it would be unrealistic for the Aztecs to reach Europe with rafts in 1440 or for the Roman Empire to colonize America in the 3rd century. Ships are necessary for exploration, colonization, trade, blockades, and war. I hope you read this, Mr. @Łukasz Jakowski.

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