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Age of History 3

Gaining land without casualties

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Follow this steps and you might take the world without killing a single soul...

1.You must recruit as many soldiers as you can. And no... 50.000 trops are not enough...

2.Select your target country (i suggest beggining from the small countries) and get your relations to -10 (sent insluts)

3.Now this step depends on the size of your army and the enemies power. A)if you have a really REALLY big army then sent an ultinium demanding ALL its provinces. B)If your army is not that big then sent an ultinium demanding vasselization, then wait till the truce ends and demand annexation.

Some tips to not mess it up

1.Wacht the truce with your vassal like a hauck because if the truce ends then in the next turn the vassal will declare independence

2.There has to be under ANY circumstances no war or you will might spend more than you will get


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