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Age of History 3

1440 One universe way (All vassals and cores freed) 593 Civilizations

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One universe away, a wave has swept the Earth. All Vassals have been freed and every lost kingdom desiring independence has gained it.

In the base 1440 scenario, 100+ civilizations that aren't in the scenario have cores on certain provinces. This scenario adds those civilizations in based on the cores, and also frees every vassal. 

Preset diplomacy between civs have also been reset. For example, the rivalry between Crimea and Lithuania is now gone. This will make the scenario play out less predictably.

Certain civilizations like for example Kabulistan and Candia have completely vanished because another new civilization's cores completely cover it. 

The tech level of every new civilization added is 0.45

No events.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!









Edited by NormusNibe
Changed the title to add the number of civilizations

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