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Age of History 3
Burtea Gabriel

If the creator of the game edited a new planet map kepler 22b, we can draw also other maps like other planet maps?

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Then a pause 2 days at PC for recovering from testing all your game options, because I saw that your map game have more options than other map games, I was dizzied a little bit from your game and from all map games together, and it is more apropriate than how I want to play a map game, I decided to get back to write again approachs, because I was remaining with some ideas take just in my mind how I would like more this game and I recently remembered that to edit a map how I want me I need map editor, right?

I want to say not like in currently map editor or map editor 2.0, just without renaming provinces again, because I want just to play the border between earth and water with automatically generating provinces (if you want and provinces so, because me I wanted for the start just free border between civilizations and then inside the civilization drawning then and the provinces I don't know... more apropriate like drawning in real life freely a map on a sheet I don't know too...
(In real life not all about a country and inside of it are important, and just the border for drawning it, but you all with your map games and google maps digitalised all about countries and provinces also with maximise and minimise, but how I just draw on a sheet is more distractive I think and I think that how I draw me myself is more that what can be named like a game; google earth is not a game).
...because I think when I draw countries on a map that the country on the map (if it is coloured) is the most interesting).

I want to say that if you think that 2.0 version of map editor reduce time working without just renaming provinces, me I just want to say that the time working can be reduced something like automatically generating provinces where you just modificate the border between earth and water to create other maps than earth, so other planets maps and this can be a 3.0 version of map editor seems to be like so or how it could be..., and this is how you reduce the time working without painting in map editor all the provinces from the start. I must to be more apropriate than painting pure and simple planets, so planets with their maps, that might to be the border between earth and water, are you understand, no? And too much and provinces.

I tried all enough map games but I think that your map game is more apropriate than I want to play, because you have editor and you imagined a other planet map than earth, of kepler 22b, and the most important map editor for all I want to paint freely maps, but now I think that your map editor and also 2.0 version of it are not enough. I understand that you say that you with this 2.0 version will reduce time working without renaming provinces, but this just a little bit, in comparison to not paint from the start provinces, just with delimitate a border between earth and water, just to exist a line to define where earth and where water, simple like this.

I want something like if I join playing this game Age of History II and I press button Editor and Map Editor, I want to see in Map Editor: Download, not download, and to press continuously and also on this button and to go to create painting what map I want of what planet I want, and I think the map editor could be inside the game there countinuously pressing that button without download linked everytime to a site, to paint a map with graphics of existing already in the game.

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