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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Elections in Democracy government type

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10 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) 

Elections every 4/5 years?
There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types.
After elections prime minister/president should change?

Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?




Maybe something similar to Victoria 2?

Generic parties and respective bonuses, with their own laws, possibly changing the flag, and influencing relations with other democracies.

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i think by actions gonna be about a bit realistically, because you do it yourself and not by random, also do action that you able support any ideology and that ideology gonna rise up

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I think the ideologies in general needs rework. There should be some main Types of Government (Democracy, Monarchy, Authoritarism, Tribal government and that's it?) And all of them should have bunch of ideologies. Example:




Democracy is a type of government, but it would include its own different ideologies, such as social-Conservatism, Social-Democrat, Liberal-Democrat etc. 




Mentioning directly your proposal, I believe there should be deafult names for parties, but they would be editable for every country. Also popularity would be defined, and would be changed via random events or player's decisions.

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11 hours ago, agah said:

مرحبًا Lukasz، أريدك حقًا أن تضع الوضع التاريخي في Age of History 3، تمامًا مثل EU4 وHOI4. وإلا ألن يكون غريباً جداً أن يتقاتل مينغ والجزائر بلا سبب في سيناريو 1440؟

Algeria did not exist in 444, but rather the Kingdom of Tlemcen or (Zayyanid dynasty) existed.

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I came up with a political system for it after the 18th century:
 There are two forms of government: democratic and authoritarian.
 democratic allows presidential elections, the interval between which is set by the player for movement points, there are various ideologies (social democracy, communism, market liberalism, fascism, dictatorship) [Perhaps Lukacz has developed his own ideologies, I advise him to adjust his to the desired regimes], these ideologies  can take part in the presidential elections, winning them; the result depends on the quality of management of the previous party and how the player will lobby the interests of the candidate parties in the elections.  There will also be parliamentary elections, the term of convocation is also controlled by the player himself.  Various parties are also included in the parliament, only they are fighting not for the seat of the president, but for deputy seats; let’s take the figure of 100 parliamentary seats for each country (you can even allow the player to change them for a certain price).  The number of buffs or debuffs you will receive in making certain decisions depends on how many seats your party takes in parliament, which means the more seats the better, the fewer the worse.  When making some difficult decisions like war or laws, events like a conflict in parliament may come up, this can diversify the gameplay a little, for example, fascists in parliament will advocate for war, and social democrats for raising taxes.  Of course, both election options will be highlighted by various events for the player, such as protests, campaigning, falsifications, and so on, which can diversify the gameplay.
 Under authoritarian rule there are no presidential or parliamentary elections.  However, you should not rejoice, getting rid of this trouble will bring you constant events and attempts to overthrow the government, mass protests and systemic corruption, all of which can be calmed to some extent, not completely destroyed.  This regime is accordingly characterized by various internal developments, such as a cult of personality, media control, etc.
 The establishment of authoritarianism is a whim of the ideologies of radicalism, I know that Lukacz inserted his ideologies into the game, so let him choose for himself.  The point is that authoritarian ideologies can come to power in a democratic country and leave without overthrowing the democracy, or, according to the player's option, start a coup and establish authoritarianism.  Democracy can come during a revolution, when discontent in the country increases so much that even with some small chance it will lead to civil war, but in most cases it will be a democratic revolution with the overthrow of an authoritarian system.
 Options like overthrow or revolution are unlikely to be available to bots that often, I think this tool should be left to the players, since it is much more interesting than changing ideology through one button.
 I hope that Lukacz will take at least some of the ideas proposed here, sau bolynyzdar.

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1 idea:

Make it possible to influence the course of the election by means of events that will appear during the election, for example: one option is to spoil the reputation of a candidate, Increase the support of the population (by distributing food in poor regions, appearing on TV, etc.).


2 idea:

Make all rulers have some kind of buffs/debuffs

For example: income from taxes +10% industry growth rate -5% army maintenance -7%

Different rulers have different buffs/debuffs and based on them you can choose which ruler you want to see on the post and choose options in events in favour of the right ruler.


3 idea:

A civil war option can also be added

Civil war can only be started by rulers of ideologies that do not coincide with the ideology of the existing government. To start a civil war you should choose who you want to bring to power and start preparations, e.g. agitate the population, create opposition to the existing political system in the army, etc.

Depending on the preparation after the beginning of the civil war a certain part of territories and army will be taken over

Regions of the country in which the civil war is taking place will be national for both sides and after the war they will not have to be assimilated, and stability will be 65% at once.

During civil war conscription from provinces will be twice as expensive

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I suggest that each potential ruler has their own bonuses and ideology. The population will automatically choose the ruler who aligns more with the ideological interests of the people and offers better bonuses.

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Eu acho que o vencedor das eleições poderia ser definido tendo alguns eventos antes das eleições, assim teria o resultado com base no que escolhemos nos eventos, tipo o que acontece no victoria II

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Na questão do tempo das eleições eu acho que seria bom cada país ter o seu tempo, porém poderíamos ter em leis e reformas a possibilidade de mudar o tempo das eleições, assim ficaria mais dinâmico. Agora na questão dos partidos eu acharia bom ter partidos várias com ideologias unificadas, por exemplo: no Brasil ter o partido carioca, partido Paulista, partido mineiro ou até mesmo partido café com leite, assim ficaria bom tmb tendo variação em cada país, o problema é q daria mais trabalho.

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Eu pensei e vi que podemos adicionar uma coisa muito legal ao jogo, minha ideia é a seguinte, quando estiver jogando com um pais democrático(que tem eleições) ao querer declarar guerra a outro país o parlamento teria que entrar em votação para permitir declarar guerra, e pra o parlamento permitir a gente teria que fazer uma justificativa de guerra pra eles verem que é necessário declararmos guerra, assim seria dinâmico acredito eu, mais isso aí só se aplicaria a um pais democrático, em um país autoritário o líder pode declarar guerra a hora que quiser.

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My idea might be somewhat complicated, but anyway.

So, the ideology and political system can be divided. E.g. parties of monarchists, republicans, democrats, socialists, fascits etc. and the systems of democratic (such as democratic republic or constitutional monarchy) and autocratic (absolute monarcy or dictatorship). The system can change whenever there's president of a party, advocating for certain political system. For example, republic can change to constitutional or absolute monarchy whenever there's monarchist leader, or to dictatorship, when there's socialist, fascist or other radical party leader. When political system changes, country suffers loss in money gain (which is kinda like people protesting), which declines and comes back to normal after some time. This time and the amount of losses is decided by a % of people, who DIDN'T vote for current president. With the change of political system or country leader, the portrait should ideally change.

The election process is decided by events and can be somewhat random. At the start, player decides, which party leader they are playing as, whose popularity starts at 5%. Through events, such as scandals, internal fighting of a party, new laws, some natural disasters maybe and etc. the % of popularity is decided, but never lower 0%. For each event, there's always 2 outcomes - where player guaranteed to get small amount of popularity and where he can gain popularity randomly.

For example:

Event: "Corruption scandal in rival party!";

Outcomes: 1. Address the general problem of corruption in our country. (+5% of popularity)
                    2. Mock those kleptocrats! (+0-10% of popularity)

Having 51% guarantees win. If player doesn't win, current president stays in office with 20% chance and other non-radical parties, can win with 5% chance each, except for player's. After 5 years, player can try again. If player's president is in office during the elections they start with 20% popularity.

Also, "leader popularity" can act as a resource.

I think this way mechanic kinda mimics the one of "Change the type of government" from AoH2, but in a more complicated yet interesting way.

Edited by hardlysane

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Hi Developer, We all had experiences with aoh2. In aoh2, when we change government, we do not need to worry country's conditions. Because we have money which can be used to assimilate regions' stability. Now according to your aoh3 videos, we saw some leaks from it. I saw tab of supreme court. So my suggestion is to put the image into game which is used in this topic. This image is suitable for all countries. First, if you add that kind of parliament system, we can decide who would be the leader for country from supreme court. And Secondly, we can hold elections by the assistance of supreme court. So ai parties and host party can participate in elections. Other modders mentioned the host can give promises during election. Important notice-if we win election or ai party win election, we should have coup function. Because it is really realistic. You should look for an example:Suzerain's political system. 

Edited by Skyvader

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21 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) 

Elections every 4/5 years?
There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types.
After elections prime minister/president should change?

Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?




As action, there can have a propaganda system, if you want that your country is communist, you must send propaganda, and you do this as the communist party.

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I think that the presidential term should be chosen based on the player or randomly, because not all countries have a presidential term of 4/5 years, and let the choice of parties be random, or make it possible to promote the party (but I don’t know how it will be work propaganda)

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23 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) 

Elections every 4/5 years?
There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types.
After elections prime minister/president should change?

Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?




Adding on to my previous suggestion,

It would be also nice to have customizability such as renaming your party leader, the party itself which can add a lot of extra flavor in playthroughs

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12 hours ago, Redguy325 said:

I think the ideologies in general needs rework. There should be some main Types of Government (Democracy, Monarchy, Authoritarism, Tribal government and that's it?) And all of them should have bunch of ideologies. Example:




Democracy is a type of government, but it would include its own different ideologies, such as social-Conservatism, Social-Democrat, Liberal-Democrat etc. 




Mentioning directly your proposal, I believe there should be deafult names for parties, but they would be editable for every country. Also popularity would be defined, and would be changed via random events or player's decisions.

Monarchy should be split between Absolute Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy like it already is, and Constitutional Monarchies could be considered democratic

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I would like to present my plan for democratic system

Every democratic country will have several rival parties. All of them will be defined by ideology, wich they represent. (below potential list of ideogies and when they can be unlocked by the technology tree) Of course, these are approximate dates

  • conservatism
  • centrism
  • liberalism
  • nationalism (1800s)
  • social democracy (1800s)
  • communism (1800s)
  • fascism (1900s)

How parties and election works?

Every party has assigned three variables: popularity, name and ideology. They can be created generically or scripted in a scenario. Popularity can be gained or reduced in two ways: by random events, or by actions bought by the player. Elections takes place every 5 years, the rule is simple:party with highest popularity wins and rules the country. Ideology of ruling party affects on a civilization by gaining pros and cons. Here are some examples how could it work:

  • conservatism: + for natural increase, - for researches 
  • centrism: + for diplomacy,
  • liberalism: + for researches, - for army
  • nationalism: + for manpower, - for diplomacy
  • social democracy: + for happiness , - for army

In the list I didn't take into account communism and fascism, because when parties with this ideologies won the elections, Political system in this countries will turn into authoritarianism.


What about the two-party system?

Two party system could be available to implement in scenario editor. 



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On 1/14/2024 at 9:00 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) 

Elections every 4/5 years?
There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types.
After elections prime minister/president should change?

Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?





I believe that a democratic system for elections in nations with a parliamentary system (republic/parliamentary monarchy, etc.) should be designed as a cross-cutting mechanism that can cover all nations regardless of historical periods and ideologies.

To elaborate, a mechanic representing the political factions within the nation should be added. By factions, I mean the different wings of the government or court. In Ancient Rome, these were, for example, the Patricians and Populares or the Caesarians, Pompeians, and Lepidians. In a monarch's court, there could be different factions representing potential heirs, ranging from more absolutist to more enlightened. In a fascist regime, there might be corporatist, extremist, and esoteric wings. In a democratic system, various political parties could be represented.

This way, our choices, based on whether they bring prosperity to the nation or not, would lead to variations in the percentage support for these factions.


Let's say we are an absolute monarchy in the 1700s. We engage in a series of long and possibly failed wars. The faction represented by our heir loses support, giving way to a more enlightened and pacifist faction. When our monarch dies, there is a chance (based on the percentages of the surpassing faction) that a civil war erupts, requiring victory to maintain our ideology. Alternatively, espionage or a series of reforms could be used to persecute political opponents or rivals to the throne, temporarily reducing percentages for other factions but increasing general unhappiness. Another option is peacefully accepting the change in regime.

Another example: In a democratic nation with a conservative ideology, you implement good economic reforms and achieve victorious wars. If you get re-elected, the leadership remains unchanged. If not, you can accept the regime change or attempt a coup (leading to a civil war).

In my view, introducing this faction mechanic allows for greater emphasis on laws, the economy, and war choices. It provides a consistent mechanic across historical eras and ideologies, where only the names of the "factions" need to be changed, whether they are heirs or actual political parties, along with some statistics. For example, in monarchies, the "election" event occurs only upon the death of the sovereign when a new heir is chosen. In democracies, it happens every 4 or 5 years, and in socialist regimes, it occurs when a "faction" reaches a critical percentage to trigger a civil war, and so on.

It goes without saying that our spies can finance parties in other nations to instigate regime changes, implement policies in our interest, or even orchestrate coups. Naturally, these "factions" would push for the country to submit or ally with nations that share their ideology.

I hope Lukasz gets a chance to read this comment.🙏🏻

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Eu acho que o partido que ganha, deveria ser decidido por meio de eventos dando mais força pra tal partido de acordo com a  opção que escolhermos.

O tempo das eleições pode ser alterado na partes das leis, pode ser considerado como uma lei.

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About ideologies, I thought it would make sense to completely review the ideology system, expecially for the intorduction of a factions mechanic of the State. Normally, what makes an ideology is the choices made in the economic, productive, and governmental spheres. So, to have a wide range of ideologies that can span across eras, I have developed an Ideology Tree.

It consists of Economy, Organization, and Production. Through some mechanism, different elements of this Ideology Tree can be unlocked during eras and the game, effectively realizing one ideology over another.

For example, if someone wanted to have a Dictatorship, they would need to unlock Isolationism on the Economy axis, Despotism and Militarism on the Organization axis, while the Production axis would tell us if it's a Feudal Tyranny, a Communist Dictatorship, a National Socialist Regime, and so on.

Obviously, each choice on this Ideology Tree comes with bonuses and penalties. Each Ideology can then be unlocked in different eras.

If you like this idea, I volunteer to work on detailing the combinations that lead to various ideologies!

Ideology Tree.png

Edited by Aliex999

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If the election will be influenced by various events, then I have one idea.
Propaganda, which incurs additional costs, but will give you some % in the elections, depending on how much you spend.

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Well, there must be a separation between the system of government (whether it is a constitutional or absolute/traditional monarchy, whether it is a democratic or autocratic presidential republic, whether it is a theocracy, whether it is a city-state, whether it is a nomadic tribe, and so it goes) and the ideology of the government (whether it is a conservative, liberal, socialist, social-democratic government, and so on). If possible, a system of laws to manage the forms of governments and other things would be ideal for me.

Regarding elections, I think that every 4 years is fine for presidential republics, for republics and parliamentary monarchies 5 years is fine. As some have said, elections should be similar to Vic2, with events increasing or decreasing a party's popularity. Regarding parties, I think they should only exist from 1800 onwards, before that there should only be factions. It would also be good if the system of advisors could become ministers from 1800 onwards to simulate modernization. And most importantly, all of this can be modded so modders can be happy :)

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4 hours ago, Aliex999 said:

Что касается идеологий, я подумал, что было бы разумно полностью пересмотреть систему идеологии, особенно для введения механизма фракций в государстве. Обычно идеологию создают выборы, сделанные в экономической, производственной и правительственной сферах. Итак, чтобы иметь широкий спектр идеологий, которые могут охватывать разные эпохи, я разработал дерево идеологий.

Она состоит из экономики, организации и производства. С помощью некоторого механизма различные элементы этого Дерева идеологий могут быть разблокированы в течение эпох и в игре, эффективно реализуя одну идеологию над другой.

Например, если кто-то хочет установить диктатуру, ему нужно будет разблокировать изоляционизм на оси экономики, деспотизм и милитаризм на оси Организации, в то время как ось производства покажет нам, является ли это феодальной тиранией, коммунистической диктатурой, национал-социалистическим режимом и так далее.

Очевидно, что каждый выбор в этом дереве идеологий сопровождается бонусами и штрафами. Затем каждую идеологию можно разблокировать в разные эпохи.

I believe that, in addition to purely economic or organizational factors in building a society, social policy of the state should also influence the ideology. This influence should encompass not only the rights of other ethnicities, religions, and social groups but also factors such as environmental considerations, educational policies, healthcare systems, and the overall quality of life.


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