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The Flaw That Killed AOH2 and Will Kill AOH3 if nothing is done about it

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Posted (edited)
On 6/10/2024 at 2:18 PM, OwnM3Z0 said:





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95%的手机游戏是盗版的,35%的PC游戏是盗版的,IOS游戏是50-60%的盗版游戏,你从中注意到了什么?任何移动玩家都很可能盗版游戏,这意味着您真的只需要添加阻止 Android 和 IOS 盗版的方法,您就可以开始了,但如何?!


要知道这一点,我们需要查看 PC 和移动设备上存在的其他独立/小型开发游戏示例,这些游戏解决了这个问题,幸运的是 = 我们有一个完美的例子:


Worldbox,你可能熟悉也可能不熟悉这款游戏,这是一款沙盒像素游戏,您可以在其中创建一块土地并添加人员,然后看着他们建造城镇并相互开战,无论如何,该游戏现在几乎不可能在互联网上找到至少对于 android 来说, 如何?他们做了三件事


1- 删除 Android 版盗版网站(我不知道他们是怎么做到的,但他们做到了,也许 Lukasz 可以自己问他们,这是 Discord 服务器:https://discord.com/invite/worldbox)

2- 将大多数功能锁定在墙后,并专注于禁止免费提供这些功能的新版本的黑客攻击,从而阻止牧师下载文件,因为他们没有得到任何新东西 + 使他们的工作更轻松,我将对此进行扩展

3- 通过 Discord 报告网站的活跃社区



现在,扩展第二点:他们将其锁定在付费墙后面,这是不可能的,否则@Das苔藓人将开始一场法国大革命,我和卢卡斯都将被送上断头台💀,不过说真的,你可以这样做,这样购买证明(银行凭证或 SMTH)必须发送到某种 Discord 机器人,该机器人将分析图像并将其与游戏购买数据库进行比较, 一旦使用了一张图片,它就不能再重复使用了,如果可能的话,有更好的主意真正适用于其他开发人员,但我会给他们发电子邮件保密,因为我相信很多读者会盗版AOH3或至少尝试



另一个 BIG BIG 问题是 mod,mod 可以很容易地用于盗版游戏,这就是为什么我建议 mod 在 PC 的 Steam 工作室之外无法下载,而对于 Epic 商店,我建议使用一种类似于 android 方法的方法。


对于 Android 方法,mod 不应该是游戏的修改版本,而是使用 ZArchiver 复制到游戏中的文件夹中的 zip 文件,例如,为了工作,这将使 mod 依赖于下载游戏并使 moding(根据 Lukasz 的说法,这将是 AOH3 的支柱)安全,并且仍然需要购买游戏,这与 AOH2 不同,Lukasz 从字面上喜欢给在不知不觉中免费离开游戏(没有冒犯卢卡斯,但这是当时为他改装的可悲现实)




@Łukasz雅科夫斯基这非常重要,我建议您从字面上延迟游戏来解决这个问题,否则无论它是否公平,您都会赚到碎片,这是我们生活在一个严酷的世界 Jakowski 先生


In China, we can also play the latest pirated games of World Box.

Edited by china peple

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On 6/11/2024 at 12:53 AM, Денис Живков said:



On 6/11/2024 at 12:56 AM, OwnM3Z0 said:


我同意,如果 Lukasz 添加多人游戏,它会在一定程度上得到解决,不是吗?


不要指望在 alpha 版本💀上这样做


On 6/11/2024 at 1:09 AM, Денис Живков said:


多人游戏不是游戏的主要部分。无论是在先发制人还是在游戏中,它都非常愚蠢,以至于在最大难度级别下可以被 1 个省份干掉。但是游戏有多人游戏。我只能说,如果游戏没有足够聪明的人工智能,那么多人游戏与不够聪明的真人一起玩是有意义的。

I hope that if in a multiplayer game, we can use the account in the forum to log in, for example, my account is China peple I can directly enter my email and password to log in, otherwise if I forget the password when I re-register the account, its message will not be sent to my mailbox.

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14 hours ago, china peple said:



I hope that if in a multiplayer game, we can use the account in the forum to log in, for example, my account is China peple I can directly enter my email and password to log in, otherwise if I forget the password when I re-register the account, its message will not be sent to my mailbox.

we got pro CCP accounts on the forums before AOH3 💀

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46 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

we got pro CCP accounts on the forums before AOH3 💀

nope, they have always been there.

i say this by experience.

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3 hours ago, Unity said:

Piracy is everywhere get over it if some people can't afford a $10 game we really going to punish them for it? 

''i can't afford to buy a product that is actually very cheap therefore stealing isn't wrong''

lmao, stop self reporting man

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8 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

''i can't afford to buy a product that is actually very cheap therefore stealing isn't wrong''

lmao, stop self reporting man

What you're even talking about, I bought all of Lukasz games even aoc2

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On 6/11/2024 at 1:59 AM, Wayne23lololh said:

Kiddo, just ask your mom, thing I will do, so stop crying about this, you will become a good citizen

Not everyone has the amount to pay, specially Android users 🤣

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1 hour ago, fffroooesss said:

Not everyone has the amount to pay, specially Android users 🤣

then don't play, you don't pay you don't get the service, stealing from a small developer doesn't make you look any better

12 hours ago, Unity said:

What you're even talking about, I bought all of Lukasz games even aoc2

then dont justify piracy, especially from a small developer 

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Just now, OwnM3Z0 said:

then don't play, you don't pay you don't get the service, stealing from a small developer doesn't make you look any better

Richie rich poor people are poor people they will do everything to NOT pay 'cz they don't care about stealing they care about having that now b 'cz they are poor and poor people do cheating 

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2 minutes ago, fffroooesss said:

Richie rich poor people are poor people they will do everything to NOT pay 'cz they don't care about stealing they care about having that now b 'cz they are poor and poor people do cheating 

that doesn't really justify it, being poor doesn't give you a pass to be a terrible person

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Just now, OwnM3Z0 said:

that doesn't really justify it, being poor doesn't give you a pass to be a terrible person

Human nature's human nature you can't change it 🤦🏻

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

that doesn't really justify it, being poor doesn't give you a pass to be a terrible person

don't act like you never pirated anything in your life at some point some action needs to be taken by your own hands it's going to happen no matter what it is theres always pirates in the sea you can't take them  all out 

Edited by Unity

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14 minutes ago, fffroooesss said:

Human nature's human nature you can't change it 🤦🏻

that has to be the most dogwater excuse i have seen, if i walk in and steal your car and when im caught i say ''human nature lmao cant chage mbmb fr'' and get away scot free you would be pissed

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45 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

that has to be the most dogwater excuse i have seen, if i walk in and steal your car and when im caught i say ''human nature lmao cant chage mbmb fr'' and get away scot free you would be pissed

No one gonna piss anyone for pirate, only happens with the stealers of data from enterprises or things that way ._.
Wanting the things free is normal (I don't think is "human nature", as some say, but everyone take things for free sometime)

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1 hour ago, fffroooesss said:

Richie rich poor people are poor people they will do everything to NOT pay 'cz they don't care about stealing they care about having that now b 'cz they are poor and poor people do cheating 

Wtf, that's classism as hell. Being poor didn't make you a stealer or a killer or whatever just for don't have money, is more related with bad manners. Even people with money don't want to pay sometimes jaskdjas

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On 6/10/2024 at 11:18 AM, OwnM3Z0 said:



piracy can easily stop deveolpment for the same reason it had a hand in stopping aoh2 development, its simple economics

money = new content

new content = updates

updates = new buyers for the game


the issue comes when you remove the first part, money, out of the equation, the whole infrastructure collapses and soon enough: 

no more new content, no more new updates, no more new buyers, meaning even less money is earned now, lukasz hasn't realized that this was the fatal mistake he made with aoh2, making a new game with the same mistake won't change anything, it will just be a new victim, and all this work will go down the drain



if lukasz is reading this he is probably thinking: ''how can i fix this? there's nothing to be done about it right?''


well you're WRONG


see, looking at the statistics:

95% of mobile games are pirated, same for 35% of PC games, and 50-60% in IOS games, what do you notice from this? any mobile player most likely will pirate the game, meaning you really just need to add ways to stop android and IOS piracy and you would be ready to go, but how?!


to know this, we need to look at other examples of indie/small dev games that exist on both PC and Mobile who fixed this issue, luckily= we have the PERFECT example for this:


Worldbox, you might or might not be familiar with the game, it's a sandbox pixel game where you can create a piece of land and add people and watch them build towns and go to war with each other, anyways, the game pretty much is impossible to find on the internet nowadays for android at least, how? they did three things


1- take down piracy websites for android(i don't know how they did that but they did it, maybe lukasz can ask them himself, here's the discord server :https://discord.com/invite/worldbox)

2- locked most features behind a wall, and focused on banning hacks for newer versions that provided these features for free, thus discouraging the priates from downloading the files since they're not getting anything new + made their jobs easier, i will expand on this 

3- active community that reports the websites through discord



Now, Expanding On Point two: they locked it in behind a paywall, this won't be possible because otherwise @Das Moss Man would start a french revolution and both me and lukasz will be put to the guillotine 💀, seriously though, you can make it so that proof of purchase (bank credentials or smth) have to be sent to some sort of discord bot that will analyze the image and compare it to a database of purchases of the game, once a picture has been used it cannot be reused again, idk if this is possible, there are better idea's that genuinely worked for other devs but i will email them for secrecy as i'm sure many among the readers will pirate aoh3 or at least try



another BIG BIG issue is modding, mods can easily be used to pirate the game, which is why i propose that mod's be undownloadable outside steam workshop for PC's, and for the Epic store i suggest a method similar to the android method below this one


for the android method the mods shouldn't be modified versions of the game, but zip files that are copied into a folder in the game using ZArchiver for example to work, this will make mods depend on having the game downloaded and will make modding (which according to lukasz will be the backbone of aoh3) safe and still require a purchase of the game unlike aoh2 where lukasz was literally liking posts that gave the game away for free unknowingly (no offense to lukasz but this was the sad reality of modding for him back then)




@Łukasz Jakowski this is so essential that i would recommend you literally delay the game to sort this issue otherwise you will earn scraps whether it's fair on not, it's a harsh world we live in mr Jakowski


I'm not trying to protect pirates, however:

1)The popularity of AoH2 was largely based on piracy. I am almost sure that there are many times more pirated copies than licensed ones. There are people who're fundamentally unwilling (or unable) to pay. I think this is one of the reasons why Lukasz tried to make AoH3 prices acceptable to the vast majority of the world's population, and it seems like a simpler method. It's no secret that pressure on pirates is usually perceived as pressure on the community, and thus only complicates the sale of games without solving the problem of piracy.

2)I doubt that piracy on mobile devices is much more widespread. Mods are usually created on a PC and then ported to Android. Many mods don't even come out on mobile. Also. Pirates on PC simply copy the folders with the game, whereas on mobile they have to extract the --- first and then edit it.

3)It's doubly impossible to eradicate piracy in Java. This language is designed in such a way that even very complex methods (including code protection from editing, for example, obfuscation) are quite easy to get around. Of course, this is an insurmountable barrier for the average user, but few people in the community are even familiar with Java. At the same time, there're a few craftsmen in community who were even able to decompile the AoH2 code to a fully working state, and no barrier will stop these people. Other methods (for example, the need for a constant Internet connection) will slow down the game and greatly anger ALL players (and I don't exclude that even such protection sooner or later someone will be able to bypass).

4)Finally, the truth is that modifications somehow use pirated methods. Folders with the full game are dumped from one device to another, transferred from user to user. This ensures the portability of the game, but actually distributes it bypassing the mechanisms of monetization of legal copies. If Lukash had fought against this, the forum wouldn't have been full of dozens (if not thousands) of mod names. Lukash knows this, so he fights against those violations that pose the greatest threat (links to the source code, etc.). As for mobile devices: since the mobile version of the game uses the storage of game files in the asset folder in the --- (the "internal" storage mode in the Java libgdx framework), and not a separate folder on the device, there is no other effective method of publishing mods, except for full copying of the ---. 

5)If, like the PC version, the mobile version used a folder on the device to store assets (if I'm not mistaken, the "external" mode in libgdx), this could partially solve the problem: firstly, to distribute mods on mobile, it would be enough to copy only the archive containing the assets folder (--- it would be installed separately, which would reduce the illegal distribution of the ---). Secondly, the process of porting mods would become much easier by itself: folders from a PC would simply be transferred to mobile devices. Thirdly, it would help to avoid a number of errors that occur on Android and are related to files.

Thus, there're many circumstances at once that make piracy a constant companion of the game and make it difficult to combat it.

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9 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

then don't play, you don't pay you don't get the service, stealing from a small developer doesn't make you look any better

then dont justify piracy, especially from a small developer 

I'd gladly buy it if the game would be able to be bought in Russia. I mean,if you don't want my money,i guess i have to pirate. It's not like i bought hoi4 (implying Paradox Interactive deserves that money)

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9 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

that has to be the most dogwater excuse i have seen, if i walk in and steal your car and when im caught i say ''human nature lmao cant chage mbmb fr'' and get away scot free you would be pissed

I am only saying that a person in need will use his brain and find solutions b 'cz Homo sapiens are smart 🤦🏻

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Posted (edited)
On 6/10/2024 at 3:18 AM, OwnM3Z0 said:



piracy can easily stop development for the same reason it had a hand in stopping aoh2 development, its simple economics

money = new content

new content = updates

updates = new buyers for the game

the issue comes when you remove the first part, money, out of the equation, the whole infrastructure collapses and soon enough: 

and then there's the part that says:

piracy = free promotion
free promotion = game spreads more
game spreads more = more players
more players = money (since not everybody is a pirate, and some of them also buy the game legally after some time)
money = new content, updates = the money-update cycle repeats.

Edited by bun_dha4

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On 6/12/2024 at 9:59 AM, china peple said:



I hope that if in a multiplayer game, we can use the account in the forum to log in, for example, my account is China peple I can directly enter my email and password to log in, otherwise if I forget the password when I re-register the account, its message will not be sent to my mailbox.

most likely, there will be a link to steam. You will write your Id and an email with your name and password will be sent to it. It will be unique. so that people with a steam account would not sit in multiplayer on a pirate game.

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