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Will Country/City Renaming be in the Game?


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9 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

É possível alterar as cores.

Posso adicionar a capacidade de alterar os nomes das províncias/civilizações durante o jogo, mas isso não será salvo. Portanto, esta será apenas uma sessão.

O único problema é onde clicar para alterar o nome.



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9 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

It is possible to change the colors.

I can add the ability to change the names of provinces/civilizations during gameplay, but it won't be saved. So this will be just one session.

The only problem is where to click to change the name.

As Kiwi mentioned above, it could be made in the province overview tab.


Next to the name, there could be an icon of a pencil for example, which when clicked would change the name


Thank you for an answer

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3 hours ago, qxz said:

Como Kiwi mencionou acima, isso pode ser feito na guia de visão geral da província.


Ao lado do nome, poderia haver um ícone de um lápis por exemplo, que ao ser clicado mudaria o nome


Obrigado por uma resposta

It would be better if instead of a Pencil, when you hover the mouse over it, the name would be highlighted and by clicking you could change the name 

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On 18.05.2024 at 05:09, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Цвета можно менять.

Я могу добавить возможность изменять названия провинций / цивилизаций во время игры, но это не будет сохранено. Так что это будет только один сеанс.

Единственная проблема заключается в том, где нажать, чтобы изменить название.

Like a (Age of History 2) name of province 

Edited by mrx

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