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Age of History 3

5 ideas to improve the layout, military realism & politics in Age of History 3!

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Please respond to my following inquires whether or not they will be added whether now or later in future dlc, thx:


1. The first is the missing Button thing in the demand and also dipolomatic interface it seems like there is space for 1 more Action for each so please add one so the interface can feel complelte otherwise it feels like its missing a Button so please fix that Lukas (yk what im talking about i cant send images cuz it says the Max total size of image is low but i did make a post about it on my other account you dont need to comepeltly reorganizd the layout just add 1 more action for each & it will feel symterical) so please add the what feels like the missing demand and missing diplomatic option


2. Dynamic puppet names such as imperial protectories, mandates/dominions for britian & reichkommistrats & reichprotectarates for germany, people's republics for ussr/communist russia


3. Whether a poltical parties system / elections system will eventually come either on Release or possibly in the future?


4. Impassable terrian type that can be present in places that are demiliatraized such as rhineland, bosphurus in ww2 (that can be changed with events or as soon as troops are moved there or soemthing idk then it triggers a event which says it has been remilitarized) & other naturally impassable demiliatraized areas in the world like big deserts, thick mountians & jungles that they are compleltely inpassable for soldiers apart from air units ig or maybe there can be like 2 types of impassable terrian the first is comeplelty impassable like natural boundries apart from air units and then u have demilitarzed zone which have a outline around them, and soliders cant pass unless u physically move them there using a Mission or order or soemthing or thru a event (which seems more realistic)


5. Speaking of realistic terrian make crossing bodies of water such as rivers seas & oceans take longer for realism


(Also hope mormonism/LDS has been added for the couple of states in the western part of the usa after 1800s scenrios as its beleifs are like a seprate religion thing than to protestants & catholics)


Anyways what do u think of the 5 suggestions of mine, i think they are good features & unique like number 4 & 5 r about military, numbe2 & 3 about poltics and 1 is about ui Layout


What do u think of the 5 please give me ur reply thank u as these apart from number 3 & maybe 2 the rest would be simple yet easy mechnics to implment yk


@Łukasz Jakowski


Also dont forget to add the Queen leader role sometime post launch as u mentioned sometime before (essentional due to people like queen Victoria

Edited by xox

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