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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Events - Common events for every civilization in the game

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Başlık: Bilgi Çağına Geçiş

Görev Tanımı: (eğer bu bir görevse) Bilgi ve teknolojideki ilerlemelerle medeniyetinizi yeni bir çağa taşıyın.

Basit Açıklama: Bilim ve teknoloji alanında önemli bir ilerleme kaydedin.

Tetikleyiciler: Bilim ve Teknoloji binalarının toplam seviyesini 50'ye çıkarın ve eğitim binalarınızın toplam seviyesini 30'a çıkarın.

Sonuç 1: Teknolojik İlerleme - Tüm eyaletlerde araştırma hızınızı %20 artırın.

Sonuç 2: Bilgi Ekonomisi - Eyalet başına bilgi üretimini artırın, ekonomik geliri %15 artırın.

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Başlık: Diplomatik İşbirliği

Görev Tanımı: (eğer bu bir görevse) Diğer medeniyetlerle olumlu ilişkiler kurun ve diplomasiyi güçlendirin.

Basit Açıklama: Diplomatik ilişkilerinizi geliştirin.

Tetikleyiciler: En az üç medeniyetle müttefik olun ve düşmanlık seviyenizi sıfıra indirin.

Sonuç 1: Ticaret Anlaşmaları - Tüm eyaletler arası ticaret gelirini %25 artırın.

Sonuç 2: Barış İkinci Adım - Savaş durumlarında barış şartlarını iyileştirin, savaş sonrası hoşgörü seviyesini %50 artırın.

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Başlık: Kültürel Mirasın Korunması

Görev Tanımı: (eğer bu bir görevse) Medeniyetinizin kültürel zenginliklerini koruyun ve geliştirin.

Basit Açıklama: Sanat, edebiyat ve mimari alanlarında medeniyetinizi güçlendirin.

Tetikleyiciler: Toplam kültür puanınızı 1000'e çıkarın ve en az beş farklı kültür alanında bir etkinlik düzenleyin.

Sonuç 1: Kültürel İlerleme - Tüm eyaletlerde kültür puanı kazanma hızınızı %15 artırın.

Sonuç 2: Turistik Cazibe - Eyalet başına turizm gelirini %20 artırın.

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Başlık: Bilimsel Keşif

Görev Tanımı: Medeniyetinizi bilimsel alanlarda öne çıkarmak için çeşitli keşiflere liderlik edin.

Basit Açıklama: Bilim ve teknolojiye dayalı bir ilerleme sağlayarak medeniyetinizi güçlendirin.

Tetikleyiciler: Toplam araştırma puanınızı 1500'e çıkarın ve en az üç farklı bilim alanında projeler başlatın.

Sonuç 1: Teknolojik Üstünlük - Tüm eyaletlerde araştırma hızını %20 artırın.

Sonuç 2: Bilimsel Diplomasi - Diğer medeniyetlerle bilimsel işbirliği yapma şansını %25 artırın.

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Başlık: Denizcilik Yoluyla Zenginlik

Görev Tanımı: Medeniyetinizi denizcilik ve ticarette faaliyetler için adımlar atın.

Basit Açıklama: Deniz yollarını kontrol ederek medeniyetinizi zenginleştirin.

Tetikleyiciler: Toplam ticaret gemisi sayınızı 50'ye kadar çıkartın ve en az beş farklı liman ülkesinin ticaret yollarını kurun.

Sonuç 1: Deniz Ticareti - Tüm eyaletlerde ticaret gelirini %15 artırın.

Sonuç 2: Deniz Hakimiyeti - Denizcilikte Üstünlük sağlamış eyaletlerinizin askeri gücü %10 artırın.

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Başlık: Bilge Liderlik

Görev Tanımı: Medeniyetinizi bilge bir liderlikle yöneterek iç ve dış işlerde üstünlüğü sağlayın.

Basit Açıklama: Bilgelik ve stratejiyle medeniyetinizi yönetin.

Tetikleyiciler: Diplomasi seviyenizi 50'ye ayırın ve en az üç farklı medeniyetle planlama planı oluşturun.

Sonuç 1: Diplomatik Yetenek - Diplomatik davranışlarda başarı başarısını %20 artırın.

Sonuç 2: İç Politika Uzmanı - Eyaletlerdeki görünüm artışının %15 artması ve iç isyan çıkmasının %10 azalması.

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Suggestion for new event -

Play sound - Play a game sound, or a non-game sound (file browser)

Play music - Play available music from the game, or play custom music (file browser)

Event style - Event styles such as: common event, a panel with a description, an image and options. Newspaper style event, The panel is an open newspaper with the possibility of extending the description of the event. Treaty style events, the panel is a common sheet of the time where it shows the title of the event in large and there are only two limited options. Digital style events, the panel is advanced and looks like a social network, it has a fake link or what could be an Easter egg at the top. Technological style events, the panels are advanced and look like holographic and futuristic sheets. In some event styles, the image may be black and white.

Generate revolt in (province) of (country) - Generate or create a revolt in a country, you can also establish which country will be born from that revolt.

All the countries  - This is an instruction for an effect of an event that can cause that action to affect all civilizations, also to appear on the part of whoever sees and can interact with the event. 

Affects the country that can interact with the event - Basically the country that sees the event receives the effects of the result Effective if the event appears internationally and not just nationally.

Common event -

Title: State surrender

Simple Description: The (capital) has fallen, the enemy has most of our lands and our economy is unstable, it is inevitable, the surrender must be announced.

Triggers: The enemy has 80% of the nation's population.

The enemy has 70% of the nation's large economic provinces.

The nation is bankrupt.

The war is 80-90% in favor of the enemy.

Outcome: Everything is lost..:

Call a truce (activates the annex province selection panel if the enemy is a player)(the enemy AI annexes the provinces that best suit them.).

Play a music of defeat and failure (if there is one).


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9 hours ago, isa yorulmaz said:

Başlık: Bilge Liderlik

Görev Tanımı: Medeniyetinizi bilge bir liderlikle yöneterek iç ve dış işlerde üstünlüğü sağlayın.

Basit Açıklama: Bilgelik ve stratejiyle medeniyetinizi yönetin.

Tetikleyiciler: Diplomasi seviyenizi 50'ye ayırın ve en az üç farklı medeniyetle planlama planı oluşturun.

Sonuç 1: Diplomatik Yetenek - Diplomatik davranışlarda başarı başarısını %20 artırın.

Sonuç 2: İç Politika Uzmanı - Eyaletlerdeki görünüm artışının %15 artması ve iç isyan çıkmasının %10 azalması.

Kanka önerilerin çok güzel fakat deepl ceviri sitesinden ingilizceye çevirip at bence

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I thought in make a event chain for Japanese countries, I think this could be funny to play and challenging if decide to go the hard breanch of the chain. I wish this can be added or be help to make something similar into the game.



Title: The arrival of the Nanbanjin (name gave to the europeans for japanese people)

Simple Description: Foreign people arrived to our islands, these travelers are interested in our country and traditions, we will have to be careful about their movements…

Triggers: That the year is less than 1820 and Japanese culture country discovers an european culture country. (The two countries tag (japanese one and european one) will have to be saved for future events) (if culture is not implemented, use religion, christian faith country and shintoism country)

Outcome 1: Let's see, what will happen…




Title: The trade with the Nanbanjin

Simple Description: Nanbanjin have started to trade with our country, our people are starting to find interest in Nanbanjin technologies and goods. This can be a good opportunity for our country to get money and modernize our country, but can destabilize our current government if the foreign ideas are against our national ideas.

Triggers: Wait 2 years after “The arrival of the Nanbanjin” has been completed.

Outcome 1: Let's trade with these Nanbanjin! (Go event 5) (if not complete requirements of EVENT 5 go EVENT 6)

2. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • gold = +250
  • bonus_monthly_income= +15%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • gold = +200
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%

Outcome 2: It's too risky, let's limitate our contact. (Go to event 3)

2. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • european_target_country_opinion= -150
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%

1. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%



Title: Internal powers ask to expel Nanbanjin from our country.

Simple Description: The most powerful spheres of our country are demanding to expel the Nanbanjin from our country. This can trigger bad consequences in our country if we do not listen to our powerful spheres.

Triggers: Wait 2 years after “the trade with the Nanbanjin” has completed by outcome 2

Outcome 1: Expel them from our country! (End of Event)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • stability= +25%
  • european_target_country_opinion= -300
  • Country gets an authoritarian government.

Outcome 2: Maintain the status quo. (Go to EVENT 4)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • stability= - 50%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%



Title: The final question about Nanbanjin.

Simple Description: After the years our country has finally achieved coexistence with the Nanbanjin, the higher spheres are finally appeased and stability has come again to our country.

Triggers: Wait 2 years after “Internal powers ask to expel Nanbanjin from our country” has been completed by outcome 2. Or Wait 2 years after “High spheres affairs.” completed by outcome 2.

Outcome 1: Finally it is over. (End of Event)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • bonus_research= +20%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%


Title: Nanbanjin religion question.

Simple Description: After 5 years of contact with the Nanbanjin, our power spheres are questioning if their faith is harmful for our government style, we have to give them an answer.

Triggers: Wait 5 years after  “The trade with the Nanbanjin” outcome 1 and the European state is christian.

Outcome 1: Let's hear them and demand Nanbanjin to stop preaching in our lands. (Go to EVENT 6)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • Every province has a 5% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • stability= +15%
  • european_target_country_opinion= -50

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%

Outcome 2: Let's not get involved in those questions… (Go to EVENT 6)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • Every province has a 5% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • european_target_country_opinion= +50

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%



Title: Nanbanjin power position question.

Simple Description: The higher spheres of our country have been watching carefully how Nanbanjin has become more and more powerful in our country and each time more influence. We have to make a decision about these questions.

Triggers: If european country is christian wait 2 years after the “Nanbanjin religion question.” if not wait 5 years after  “The trade with the Nanbanjin” outcome 1. 

Outcome 1: Let's ignore the higher spheres, we will trade with the Nanbanjin. (Go EVENT 7)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • If the european country is christian and selected outcome 2 in the “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 25% chance of becoming christian. If selected outcome 1 in the  “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 10% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • gold= +150
  • european_target_country_opinion= +20

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%

Outcome 2: Let's restrict Nanbanjin power.

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • If the european country is christian and selected outcome 2 in the “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 15% chance of becoming christian. If selected outcome 1 in the  “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 5% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +2%
  • stability= +15%
  • european_target_country_opinion= -20

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +2%



Title: High spheres affairs.

Simple Description: The higher spheres are upset with our policies, some informants told us that a rebellion is brewing, we must do something!

Triggers: Wait 2 years after the “Nanbanjin power position question” has been completed with outcome 1.

Outcome 1: We will change our country, let's prepare to fight the insurgents! (Go EVENT 😎

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • If the european country is christian and selected outcome 2 in the “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 45% chance of becoming christian. If selected outcome 1 in the  “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 15% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%
  • bonus_reinforcement_speed= 25% (I want to make more faster to get manpower)
  • stability= -50%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +5%

Outcome 2: Let's appease the insurgents… (Go EVENT 4)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • If the european country is christian and selected outcome 2 in the “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 30% chance of becoming christian. If selected outcome 1 in the  “Nanbanjin religion question.” Each province has a 10% chance of becoming christian.
  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +2%
  • stability= +10%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=2
  • bonus_monthly_income= +2%



Title: To the fight!

Mission Description: Destroy enemy rebels.

Simple Description: The higher spheres have rebelled against our country!

Triggers: Wait 2 years after the “High spheres affairs.” completed by outcome 1.

Outcome 1: Let's fight them! (Ends Event)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • stability= -25%
  • Every state has a 50% chance of spawning rebels; the number of them will be on your own, idk what could be the ideal number.

Outcome 2: (If If the european country is christian and selected outcome 2 in the “Nanbanjin religion question.”) Let's fight them, we are a new reformed country, our christian brothers will help us in this fight! (Ends Event)

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • stability= -25%
  • Every non christian state has a 50% chance of spawning rebels; the number of them will be on your own, idk what could be the ideal number.
  •  change_religion= (Christian majority religion)

If the mission completes: 

Outcome: The new era. 

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +10%
  • bonus_max_morale= +10%
  • bonus_corruption= -25%
  • bonus_monthly_legacy= +15%
  • european_target_country_opinion= +150
  • stability= +75%

if country is christian:

  • bonus_religion_cost= -50%

2. (European country bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= +10%

If the mission fails:

1. (Japanese state bonus)

  • bonus_duration=5
  • bonus_monthly_income= -20%
  • stability= +75%
  • bonus_max_morale= +10%
  • european_target_country_opinion= -300
  • bonus_religion_cost= -75%
  • Country gets an authoritarian government.

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Title: The white stele

Simple description: Basically the Halley transit, every 75-80 years

Event photo

Option 1

Today the god(s) auspice us.

+5% productivity

+10% moral of army

+5% happiness

+15% science investigation 

Option 2

This is a bad omen, a divine advice.

-10% propagation of diseases

+15% mobility of army

-5% moral of army

-1% of productivity

-2% of happiness 

Option 3

When a country reaches to modern astronomy science (1500-1750), only will appear one option, to investigate the Halley Comet.

We no longer believe in false forecasts, we will create the true ones.

+25% science investigation 

+5% happiness 

Option 4

Countries will acquire this option when they discover option 3  or when another border country discovered 3 or 4 options.

A wonderful event, only once in a lifetime.

+5% happiness

+5% science investigation 

Edited by Magnum

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Title: Aggression on an Allie

Simple Description: ( Country) invade one of our allies !

Triggers: The (enemy) must attack one country of our (military) alliance

Outcome 1: Declare war to (enemy country)

Outcome 2: Ignore.

Edited by Wayne23lololh

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title: Feudal Madness

simple description: Your Army Commanders Have Appeared To Establish Their Own Independent domains/City States, Renouncing Their Loyalty!

Triggers: Country Got Humiliated In war, Corruption Above 50%, Inefficient Ruler, (possibly Sudden Religious Conversion, For Example You Play As Castile And Convert To Islam, Obviously this would lead to commanders/ lords who dont accept this decision to declare war against castile by forming independent city states named after their respective capital, these states could all be colored in grey/any other unified color to signify them as simple warlord states?)

outcome: independent city states and complete fracturing of state (game over) if you do not act accordingy

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Please add Kurdish people in the middle east as a region or core that is under control of other countries and add kurdish rebels and fighters to make it more interesting and you can add a goal for Kurdish people to get their independent country 

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The proposal is not about a specific event, but about the mechanics of conditions and decisions. It would be nice if the conditions could be based on ANY variables in the game. Prestige, the amount of funds in the treasury, interest and quantitative conditions in the provinces or the state as a whole. The presence or absence of something. The acceptance or rejection of a particular technology, religion, law, or reform. Time frame, specific state, region of the world, and so on. The greater the variety of possible game mechanics that can be tied to events, the larger, more important, and more dynamic they will be.

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The Taken Lord


Simple Description:

After our capital fell into enemy hands and our (King/King Elect/Emperor/Lord/depending on government form) King has been captured by enemies our nation fell into chaos! The capturers demand money for release of our King. 




civ_capital_city_occupied? (I couldn't find such trigger I hope something similar will be added) 


Outcome 1:(Pay them! We need our king free!)

gold= -1325

gold= +1325 (for the enemy, I didn't see such option either in outcomes) 

legacy= -10


Outcome 2:(We don't have money for that) 




(Some numbers like -10 legacy are random as personally I don't know how much it is in the game) 

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 I think we should be able to marry a girl from our own kingdom to another country, for example, the princess of England can marry the prince of France and improve the relations and all kinds of activities of the two countries.

Edited by Danaloz42

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Title: Korean reunification

Mission Description: After the Korean War, the peninsula was divided into 2 countries, the North (Communist) and the South (Presidential Republic). Will you achieve the reunification of the peninsula? Through force or diplomacy?


Triggers: Conquer all the provinces of North or South Korea or have an alliance and diplomatic relations to the maximum.

Outcome 1: Maintain the current country (Democratic People's Republic of Korea or Republic of Korea) or refound the Korean Empire which would grant a 35% increase in prestige.

Outcome 2: Population and economic growth increase by 10%

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在 1 年 11 月 2024 日凌晨 2:59,Łukasz Jakowski 说:









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to be honest you should just allow it to be customizable like events and be country specific like the ones in eu4 or even like focuses in hoi4

maybe have them have there own special menu in the scenario editor like events 

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      Your translation into your native language would be very helpful! ❤️

      In the attachment is a file with new texts in the game to be translated.

      How to make translation:

      In the file there is list of texts in the game

      The Left side is the key, do not change it!

      The right side of each line after = is the translation to your language




      ChooseAnAdvisorToHire = Choose an Advisor to Hire

      ChooseAnAdvisorToHire is the key, don't change it


      Correctly made translation:

      ChooseAnAdvisorToHire = Your translated text
      ClickToHireAnAdvisor = Your translated text
      ClickToFireAnAdvisor = Your translated text


      ShiftClickToInvestXTimes = Shift + Click to invest {0} times

      In the place of {0} will be placed number or text

      PerformTheActionXTimes = Perform the action {0,choice,0#{0} times|1#{0} time|1<{0,number,integer} times}



      For now the game is translated to: Only English language!


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    • Events - Common events for every civilization in the game
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      I'm also interested in Missions for every Civilization.

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    • Land units - Ideas AoH3
      AoH3 will have different types of land units.

      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

      Representation of the battlefield in the game.

      Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.

      Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.


      Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.


      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

      First line:

      Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

      Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

      First line side:

      Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

      Second line:

      Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

      Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

      Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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