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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Peace treaty ideas

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My idea would be "Disarm nation"
This, as the name says, would disarm the nation for a certain period of time which we can choose. You could have at least until the truce between the disarmed nation and the victorious nation ends and the maximum would be double the time of the truce. For example:
If the truce lasts 5 years, another 5 years would be added to the disarmament:

This could serve well for modern scenarios such as WW1 or WW2 etc.

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I could add (in my opinion)


-Free Provinces, Regions or Subnations.

-Modify Nation.

-Force Debt Payments with limits of 3 months to 100 years.

-Take away the population.

-Steal the Economy.

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57 minutes ago, IseaMan said:

I could add (in my opinion)


-Free Provinces, Regions or Subnations.

-Modify Nation.

-Force Debt Payments with limits of 3 months to 100 years.

-Take away the population.

-Steal the Economy.

Nah stealing the economy doesnt make much of a sense

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7 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Here in this topic you can write your ideas for a peace treaty.


It might work like that:
The war leader must have 100% war points and can make any demands.

There will be a limit to how many provinces can be annexed in a peace treaty.
It will depend on the size of the civilization compared to the civilization it is fighting against


If a civilization's war exhaustion is high, the ticking war score will increase faster.

The ticking war score will only increase for the currently winning side of the war.




If a country occupies another country and territory and make the territory itself other countries should have actions and don't let it happen, they should go to war with the invader or insult the invader this will make the game much more reasonable. Except for fascist,... and allies. We should see that democratic countries have actions for it and make dimands with the invader. This will prevent the countries that get all the map so it will be great to see peace more and stable. Please concider this beacause I have been playing AOH 2 alot and I how easy it is to get all the map. 

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Personally,in a peace deal in which 100% of the nation is occupied there is no need for military access as you already have them occupied. Some other cool ideas would be:

Neutralize nation(which a lot more ppl mentioned)

Take resources or manpower as reparation instead of gold

Create an autonomous region(officially part of civilization with more independent governing)

Create civilization(NOT to be confused with release civilization, what I mean by that is say Britain conquers Ireland, it can split Ireland in two,a British north and an Irish south)

Create an overseas territory

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I think based off of the government type it determines what kind of peace treaties they are willing to accept like for Democracy you can have a peace treaty with them much easier then for a Autocracy type nation and etc. It would be nice if you can choose what provinces your vassels take and vassels you release or create automatically join your alliance but leave it if you do.

It would also be fun if nations with a high enough relation with you or if you have a high enough relation with them can ask to help you or them in a war

Also for vasselization, they can be separated into two categories (Major and Minor Vassels)

Major Vassels can declare war on other nations without the approval of there lord but they can't force there lord into wars, they can declare independence but only do that if the stability of the lord is very low or they are much weaker then the vassel.

Minor Vassels can't declare wars on their own and automatically join any war you are in, they can't declare independence unless you are way too weak to stop them or they become a Major Vassel through giving them provinces or provinces given to them in peace treaties and military strength.

Edited by EdgeLord

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8 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Here in this topic you can write your ideas for a peace treaty.


It might work like that:
The war leader must have 100% war points and can make any demands.

There will be a limit to how many provinces can be annexed in a peace treaty.
It will depend on the size of the civilization compared to the civilization it is fighting against


If a civilization's war exhaustion is high, the ticking war score will increase faster.

The ticking war score will only increase for the currently winning side of the war.




Hopefully the ability to enforce a mix/multiple of these things would be present 🙂

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1 hour ago, paul2kdj said:

Personally,in a peace deal in which 100% of the nation is occupied there is no need for military access as you already have them occupied. Some other cool ideas would be:

Neutralize nation(which a lot more ppl mentioned)

Take resources or manpower as reparation instead of gold

Create an autonomous region(officially part of civilization with more independent governing)

Create civilization(NOT to be confused with release civilization, what I mean by that is say Britain conquers Ireland, it can split Ireland in two,a British north and an Irish south)

Create an overseas territory

I think Military Access means that after the war ends the civilization that is beaten is independent and keeps their provinces but the winner Civilization has Military access on its territory

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War score: Occupying the capital province should give more war score than other occupied provinces.


■ Demilitarized zone

■ Get resources rights

■ Fragment civilization (for example, you take USSR and instead of taking the provinces, you can form the new republics)

■ Transfer conquered provinces to other civilization

Edited by Iceman

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1. The total score of the ceded land cannot be higher than 100 points. This means that you have to fight multiple times to annex a country.
2. Government efficiency: This value is affected by technology, the higher the efficiency, the lower the score you can get provinces, in ancient times, 100% of the score can only cede a few border cities, and in modern times there is even a chance to annex the entire country.
3. Set up a puppet state: Transfer the enemy's core to a puppet state. This puppet nation must have the core of these lands, which means that it can get these lands for half the price fraction. The puppet state's attitude towards you is determined by its culture. For example, if you force Germany to divide Austria and become your puppet, the Austrians will hate you, but if you force Britain to separate the Indian colonies and become puppets, the Indians will thank you for your liberation.
4. Ask for vassals: Forcing the other party to become your vassal state only requires half of the cost of completely annexing the other party, but the other party's attitude will be very bad and it is possible to declare independence.
5. Transfer of technology: force the other party to sell the technology that you do not own, and you will get a large reward for the corresponding technical research. Can only be used after capturing the opponent's capital.
6. Change the government: force the other side to adopt the same government and ideology as you, and at the same time there is strong unrest in the country. The new government will maintain good diplomatic relations with you, but they will be vulnerable and likely to be overthrown by the rebels. Must be used if the opponent's capital is captured and the war score is perfect. If, at the time of the peace talks, the other side still has unoccupied territory and remnants of its army, the unoccupied territory will immediately become occupied by the rebels, and the remnants of the army will become rebels. The new government will own the lands you occupy and wage war against the rebels. This reason can only be used for countries that are different from your ideology.


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There could be an option where you become the heir to a kingdom when the monarch dies and conquering the country. (Yes I know he's not adding royal marriages) As well as being able to occupy provinces for a period of time like the Franco-Prussian War. There could also be an option to put a core on territories and if the percentage of that core is low then the claim is weak but if its high like around 90% percent then its powerful. You could also be able to force resources to be given as well as forcing an alliance with that nation

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* forbit a nation to move it's armies into water. So they can't declare war on their sea neighbours or colonize over ocean territories.


* Destroy government and make anarchy. This will make the country very unstable and make separatist movements more common


* Forbit country from using nuclear power(in the late game era)


* Forbit country to research some technologies 



Edited by aa30388

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It definitely make the game stand out of all paradox games because none of them have it 

And the problem with all of those games is that it gets boring after you become powerful (you can conquer anyone)

It will be challenging that the bigger you get the harder for you to expand. And not just for you but if in ai get too powerful all small states around it start allying with each other and with you or simply asking neighbouring powers to guarantee  Thier independence 

And that will also put a use to (guarantee independence) future 

Or if you create an alliance Other will try to counter it by allaying 

Which will create some big world wars in the late game

And it wouldn't require creating new futures just good use the existing ones 

And the bigger and stronger a faction gets the more area this mechanic covers like kinda what happened with the french, mongols and ottomans

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57 minutes ago, mrx said:

Greetings, could you add a requirement to demilitarize the area. And you can also add a requirement to dismantle the fortress \ military fort.
This has been a fairly common occurrence in history.

I think so, these peace conditions could make the gameplay more immersive (and it's a good feature for modding, too)!

Edited by Mirolit

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On 28.02.2024 at 17:23, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Burada bu konuya barış anlaşması için fikirlerinizi yazabilirsiniz.


Şöyle işleyebilir:
Savaş lideri %100 savaş puanına sahip olmalı ve her türlü talepte bulunabilmelidir.

Bir barış antlaşmasına ilhak edilebilecek il sayısı konusunda bir sınırlama olacak.
Savaştığı medeniyetle karşılaştırıldığında medeniyetin büyüklüğüne bağlı olacaktır.


Bir medeniyetin savaş yorgunluğu yüksekse, savaş puanı daha hızlı artacaktır.

Saatli savaş puanı yalnızca savaşın şu anda kazanan tarafı için artacaktır.







In a situation where three or more countries are at war for a specific purpose or just for the sake of war, how will peace agreements and other things work?


And most importantly, will there be a specific role for countries in inter-alliance wars? Will the other countries give up if the alliance leader is defeated, or will they give up even faster?


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Countries should be able to annex all territories no matter how small/big they are. Please do not make it like before, the game needs change and it needs lots of it. Additionally, I suggest the addition of demilitarized zones which can be specified in a peace treaty. All armies in demilitarized zones are automatically disbanded and troops cannot be recruited in them, which are then removed if the country is at war. Also please make countries automatically capitulate/agree to have peace treaty if 75-80% of all core provinces are occupied. This will make battles far less tedious and more realistic.

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3 minutes ago, yeetboi said:

Countries should be able to annex all territories no matter how small/big they are. Please do not make it like before, the game needs change and it needs lots of it. Additionally, I suggest the addition of demilitarized zones which can be specified in a peace treaty. All armies in demilitarized zones are automatically disbanded and troops cannot be recruited in them, which are then removed if the country is at war. Also please make countries automatically capitulate/agree to have peace treaty if 75-80% of all core provinces are occupied. This will make battles far less tedious and more realistic.

Do you want that AI Luxembourg annex all of Germany ? Beside the rest is good.

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