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Age of History 3

Age of Universalis (2035)

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The Age of Universalis

What is Age of Universalis? Age of Universalis is a scenario based on the post-ww3 world. The starting date is set at 2035. Major alliances such as NATO and BRICS dont exist.

Can i play this using mod? I recommend your using the original vanilla version of AOH2 since i made this scenario using it. I dont know if the scenario works on other mods.

When will the scenario fully come out? What i will release right now is an early version. I will continue updating it and i dont know the specific date when the full version will come out, i do guarantee you that the full version will come out by the end of July

Does the scenario has events? Yes! Over 15 events and im not even done, since the scenario just came out i will add up to 50 events. Currently i am focused on european events but i will make events for other nations outside europe too



The scenario features:  

  •  American Empire
  • Breakup of Russian caucasus 
  • Detailed and realistic borders
  • 15+ events
  • 20+ new civilizations

And more...!

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zN220KjoQBPK0Q57-3cWGNqcLvbslcVp?usp=sharing

(Dont mind the massive amounts of files)

angl anh ani anjo anju ank ans anss ant anta ante anti antt anxx anzu aoc apa aqq aqu arab arag arak arap ard arda arg arg2 arga ariz arka arm arm_c arm_m arq arre arts aru arun arw arzt asak asc asha ashi aslr assi assy astra astu atha athe atla atr atr2 atr2_m atre atro atr_m aug auhh auhu aus auss aus_m auvg ava avar aver avv awa awi ay ayd aym ayut ayuu azaw aze aze_c azor azte baa baar baj baky balh balu bamb ban band bang bant baq bar barb barc barh bash basq bass batu batv bau bav bava bayi bei beih bej beja bel belo bel_m ben bene beng benn benv ber berg berr berry ber_c beth bets bew bga bhu bhu_m biaa bit bjar blem blfo bn boh bohe bohh bol bon bono boph bor born borr bosk bot bra brab brak bra_m brd bre brig brit brq brr brra brsw bru brun bru_m bttu bues bug bugo buha bukd bukh buki bul buls buly bul_m bunh buny bur burb burg bury bus but buu buu_m buyy byza byza_m cab cabb cab_m cacc caco cadd cai caii caja calh cali cals cam camb camd can cann cant cao cap capa caq car cara cari carr cas casi cast cat cavv cay ccc ceaa cebu cent cer cery ceut cey cgg ch cha chah chal cham chan char chav chec chee chen cheo cher cheu chey chh chhh chi chib chic chim chin chi_c chl chnd choc chok chol chos chpp chss chuc chus chut chuv cii cir cire cis cisi cisp ciss clam clan clas clch clda cldd cle clha clho clii clki clko clks clna clod clos clot clou clsa clsh clss clto clts clu clut clya cm cnn co coco col colc coli colo com coma comi comm comr conb conf coni conn coo cor corn corr cors cos coub coul cour cpr cq cr crac cree cret crim crkh crkk cro crsl cub cum cur curs cusc cuuu cvvv cyn cypk cze czsl dab dacc dag dagb daho dais daiv daks dall dama damo dang darf dasar date daup daws daxi day dbuy dcco ddo ddo_m dehe dela delh dem den den_m des detc deus dhal dhun dilm divi dje djen dji dom domr done dong dorp dox drc drc_f duin dulk dum dumm dumn dure durr dwar dyfe eaff easg eat ecu eds ef efr egy egyc egyo egy_m els emgr emu eng engk ent eph epir eqa ere ertt esi espi esse est estd estt est_c eth eth_m etru eunn eure eus ewei fadl fal famm fars fcd fcoo feng fent fer fez fezz ffra fij fin fin2 fin_m flan flir flor foix for fpap fra fra2 fra2_m fra3 frai fral fra_f fra_m frc frg fri fris frkk frl frp frr fuji funn fuu fyr gab gabu gaet gaga gali gam ganp gans gaq gara garh gata gaud gaul gawo gaya gazi gea gee gees gehh gel gen geno geo geo_c geo_m gep ger ger2 gerc gerr gert ger_c ger_f ger_m ges gess get gewe gex ggg ggue gha ghae ghav gho ghur gib gila goia gojj gok golc gold gond gory got gr grc grce grcr gre greh gren gre_m grn grov grr gua guag guan gub gue guge gui guib guig guj gum gupt gut guu gux guy guzh gwal gwee gwyn haas hadh hadr hady hafs hai haid hain haix ham hamp hana hand hano hans hant hara hari hars hata haus hawa hawa_m hayat hbb hebe heil heja hejz hel hena hens heph her herm hess hh hhad hii hiit himy hisn hitt hobj hoh hojo hol hols holy hon honb hoso hou huro

Edited by beksortmint

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