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Middle Earth Age of Civilizations

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Just making a middle earth map. 





Added Valinor too. Decided to make it so strong. But to make a good game balance I decided to make a huge and complained ocean. This way Valinor can't conquer Middle earth on the first steps of the game.

The map is stil not finished. Still drawing. 

Going to add more provinces. 


I don't know if links are allowed here but I created a VK public for this map - https://vk.com/public189756739  


Middle-Erath map 2.0 

I found a programmist, and we are making NEW, BIG world of Tolkien. 
Here is a new map and a link to our public: https://vk.com/lotraoc 
Map size: 11500X6200
Added sunk Belleriand and Numenor 
Making Wonders of the World 
Making new ideologies from the Arda like Good/Evil Numenorians 
New flags 


Edited by MrRussian
New version of the map

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Well, hmm... I can't create a map 
game is still crashing when I enter this map.
Would apriciate so much if you'd help me (or even make this map playable) 
If this map would be good and everyone would like it - I even would draw a giant map of the whole Tolkien's world 

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Well, I found a programmist, and we are making NEW, BIG world of Tolkien. 
Here is a new map and a link to our public: https://vk.com/lotraoc 
Map size: 11500X6200
Added sunk Belleriand and Numenor 
Making Wonders of the World 
Making new ideologies from the Arda like Good/Evil Numenorians 
New flags 

map_5.0.3 for forum.jpg

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