264 topics in this forum
Bringing turn count to 1 to avoid the permanent 0 relations glitch. Plus new way to switch countries. 1 2 3
by Aryan- 2 followers
- 64 replies
I posted this recently on Reddit so I thought I'd post it here as well. The previous way of switching countries I had posted was rather complicated.
Last reply by Hussey, -
- 0 replies
Have you found any bug in the game? Make a topic about it and tell me step by step how to reproduce it!
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 7 replies
Sometimes when i conquer an country and i have there above 300.000 all the soldiers there simply disapear. The armys that have the order to move to an province that i have allready occupied does not disapear and armys that stay at an province from me that was mine for a long time does not disapear. But all soldies that are on movement on the whole map disapear abd soldiers that are placed on an occupied province. This happened now 3 times and is very annoying
Last reply by michalama, -
- 0 replies
Catherine 2 in the Napoleonic wars is a man
Last reply by R3G1ON, -
- 0 replies
I bought aoh3 on release, playing it has been a blast, but i have now encountered an issue 2x thats a total game breaker, when ever i start the game, my mouse wont show . Ive turned fullscreen off to see if that helps and redownloaded the game and turned off my anit virus but nothing helps, any suggestions?
Last reply by PianoFy, -
- 0 replies
Am nevoie de ajutor la un bug.De ceva timp am observat ca atunci când doresc sa întru pe "încărcare joc" ma dă afară din joc.Ajutor!
Last reply by Luca Napoleon al 3 lea, -
- 0 replies
My game bugs out terribly if I save it at around 2000 and quit the game. After reopening it for the first time, the game crashes. All sub-sequent attempts result in the game not opening UI menus correctly and not letting me go to the next turn.
Last reply by Fall, -
- 0 replies
I'm playing the Vanilla game and almost every time as South Korea at around 500 turns, the game bugs out and my trade requests to other countries stop working and when someone attacks me, the attack animation doesn't play, and I just lose soldiers for no apparent reason. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I tried the editor glitch but it doesn't work either, still bugged.
Last reply by Fall, -
- 3 replies
I play AOC2 on iOS and it’s updated to the latest version, I recently started having problems with the “Next turn” button so I can’t continue any game (I even tried with new games), also, the Diplomcy button doesn’t do anything. Please help me, I really like your game and I would be really sorry if I had to stop playing it. Thank you for your help.
Last reply by GaelicGladdiator, -
- 0 replies
When I open the game and run it does not take me to the civilization interface . Further more, it sometimes does not work properly when commanded to do recruits or turn a turn!
Last reply by Khanom, -
by MrKfakKing- 0 replies
I saved the game yesterday and today when I turned on the game it was locked. I can't press the diplomacy button and I can't go to the next turn. When I press f3, the whole screen flashes and I can't do anything. This is the case with every save.
Last reply by MrKfakKing, -
- 3 replies
I was just playing and suddenly the screen started glitching (blinking) and I couldn't click anywhere so i just alt+f4 out of the game. After that i just shut down my pc. The next day when I went into aoc2 again every scenario was gone, there was only one left with the name "Test" which only included 2 provinces in Iberia. I also tried to create my own scenario but the two provinces were the only ones on the whole map i could choose. I tried to delete the game and install it again but nothing happened. How can I reset this?
Last reply by yisusmoreno2010, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I've been trying to create a custom map for a few days. I followed all the instructions and actually managed to create part of the map. However, out of curiosity, I tried to create a scenario and when I try to play it, the game takes me to the main screen. I tried closing and reopening the game several times. Playing with other maps the problem does not arise. However I'm playing on PC in case it wasn't clear
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 0 replies
Hello i am playin on iphone and when i try to move my army to the far province army not going like on this video i am trying to move my soliders to chur but army are not going RPReplay_Final1707669740.mov
Last reply by ComboWombo, -
- 0 replies
I played as Ottoman in 1440, I fought against Dulkadir with the Mamluk, I had colonized the entire Dulkadir province but when I checked Dulkadir there were still 5 provinces left, I spent weeks looking for these 5 provinces and I didn't find them, I held peace negotiations with Dulkadir but the Mamluk always reject it, btw this happened in 1607. What should I do to search these 5 provinces or stop the war with Dulkadir?
Last reply by kor, -
The unions are bugged because when you ally with someone, if you in the next turn click in Union, it will work, even with countries 10x bigger than you (Sorry for bad english :v) (But u need at least 10 provinces for countries 10x, and same ideology :D)
Last reply by Emir of Granada, -
- 4 replies
in a day i play as Zapotecs and...i see the tribes are 2.0 tehnology and start colonize,anyway,when i play as a kingdom i recieve diplomatic relations from tribes from africa
Last reply by Emir of Granada, -
- 1 reply
Rebels won't stop coming i have 0% rebel risk and they apear help
Last reply by Emir of Granada, -
- 1 reply
During the game, I was playing as Chezh republic in Modern World. After I captured Austria, I sended them a treaty, so I can take their lands. But, the game said "No" and asked me to sign a peace agreement again. I did it. No reaction. Austria is still under my control, but I can't take it's land.
Last reply by Emir of Granada, -
- 2 replies
Why The Administrator of AOC Mods Crash AT 49%? Łukasz Jawoski
Last reply by Emir of Granada, -
- 0 replies
After I declare war and go to the next turn, province buttons in the bottom just disappear and flag icon is no more clickable, making saving and loading also impossible. How to fix it? I am playing an Android version with Samsung Galaxy A32 with Android 13 if it matters.
Last reply by DaniilUA, -
- 1 reply
For some reason my saved files refuse to be deleted. For example, the picture shown below is a save file I try to delete: I pressed the button... ... …my save file is still there. What can I do to remove it other than going to the files and removing it?
Last reply by patrykvr, -
- 0 replies
E se mod e muito bom
Last reply by danieldante, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
都市を追加できない 都市を追加しても保存した瞬間に消えてしまう Android12で
Last reply by Kozima, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Even if you create a map and save it, then create a new map and save it, the previous map will disappear.
Last reply by Kozima,