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- 5 replies
I used to play this game so much and enjoy but after sometime i went through a very difficult phase of life and got an injury in my wrist during that time when i was taking physical therapy in lake forest CA I made a list of few ideas like: Adding real time play instead of turn based then may be it will get switchable?, Make a cheat that AI always accept your proposals it will be fun, make a toggle cheat to eternal war off and on.
Last reply by hentylee, -
suggestion remove the name "fokus" from provinces that have no name and give them a name
by marksameh- 2 replies
As i think that there was a update from 1 month ago, there is still hope that Lukasz will still update the game, so I have got a suggestion that would improve the game, now as you see, some provinces have got no name, so it appears as fokus and on any map mode as " ", and provinces that have got this can't be clicked if they are the largest city of the country/civilization, e.x. Look at Cameroon, now look at the province that is in the north, you will see that it has fokus name and " ", now when Cameroon's captial city has low pop like 10k-20k, this city could be its largest, if it is name is blank i won't know what province it is referring to because most of the p…
Last reply by sleddersnip, -
- 0 replies
I think it allows players to set the "non-passable line" at the connection between plots in the map editor in the game. When the army encounters an inaccessible line, it can only walk around. If the impassable line surrounds several plots, then the whole enclosed plot cannot enter, but if the neighbouring plots are occupied, the enclosed plots will be directly occupied together. What's the idea?
Last reply by Kimseal, -
- 4 replies
So here are my ideas Let us build borders like: Level 1: Iron Fence Level 2: Guarded fence Level 3: A Wall (would be great at east germany and Mexico) Military base: if a nation attacks a province with a military base soldiers by themselves would spawn there Level 1: Military Camp Level 2: Military Camp Level 3: Militarized Zone Weaponized Towers: if a nation attacks it would shoot at them Level 1: Shoot 1 quarter of them Level 2: Shoot half of them Level 3 shoot 3 quarter of them Also ability to build cities in a province Level 1: Village Level 2: City Level 3: Metropolis Level 4: Energ…
Last reply by LilaHarper, -
What about we make the game with an online mode, now with random users, but with friends, so you don't have to use one device, thats annoying, because they can take a peak into your land, while giving the device to the other one. - Could be with an unique code, so you can join a party with it - Adding an timer, so it doesn't take too long -Or you could just join an party if they're in the same Lan Server (Wi-Fi)
Last reply by jamesjack, -
Multiplayer 1 2
by Cisplatina- 25 replies
Add multiplayer for the game so it will became more fun! (Sorry if I wrote something wrong)
Last reply by jamesjack, -
- 4 replies
I am tired of not being able to play cheap well made games simply because I have a mac, and no, I can't get a different computer. Please fix this I am so annoyed
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
So Lukasz has been silent for a long time, but I've been playing this game for a long time too. It hasn't got boring at all, and it's actually one of the most entertaining strategy map games in my opinion, but being honest I actually would really like some new features added into the game. Now I'm no modder neither coder to make a mod, and I'm not talking about map change or 120 new ideologies, I would like the game to be more strategic and actually have a change of gameplay, I can't make it myself but I know maybe a modder or Lukasz himself can definitely make it possible. I don't even care that much about bugs anymore, I know all that stuff about turn +20…
Last reply by emmajess, -
- 2 replies
Since we won't get steam workshop support from Łukaz it would be really cool if we could get Age of History 2 mod loader.
Last reply by flafmg, -
- 0 replies
Mr. Jakowski, there is a chance to add a multiplayer mode to your game.
Last reply by Pan Tadeusz, -
- 1 reply
construções como mais castelos; torres museus; antiguidades etc na minha opinião lukasz pode fazer museu e será colocado
Last reply by genoahover, -
- 0 replies
The idea: The Safavid Empire. I propose to create an opportunity for the Safavieh (Ardabil) Orderto form the Persian Empire. This will happen in the scenario of 1440. To do this, you need to add the ability to form Persia. You also need to add historical missions and inventors. You can also add 2-3 unique actions.
Last reply by Боевой пельмень, -
- 7 replies
Buying a provinces from trade was always rejected even if I gave them 3 of my provinces + 500k gold for two of theirs, reason is that they had an exclave inside my country and were too big to conquer. Has trading anything for the ai's provinces ever worked for you? Cuz I think Lukasz should make it easier.
Last reply by mycat, -
- 0 replies
A good addition would be the Spanish Empire both as a formable civilization going off key historical holdings AND as a Union between Spain and Mexico.ñol_(1714-1800).png
Last reply by SecretAgent632, -
- 16 replies
Write your creative and necessary ideas. My Ideas: 1 - For other types of government where the constitution is used, with the exception of absolute monarchy, pre-edited content-rich constitution making section should be added. Constitution opens up like an option in the game and it is like a book in which decisions can be added by spending points. 2 - Battle Plans: Battle plans can be opened from the button in one corner of the screen. And a route can be created regarding the province to reach our soldiers in the event of possible war and how they will reach this. 3 - Divisions: Divisions serve to tighten more than one …
Last reply by Markic, -
- 0 replies
Hello Lukasz. I watched the video of gameplay aoh 3 and it was just perfect. But i have a question for you: 1)will new scenarios in new game? 2) if u will add new scenarios u can add this scenarios: ww1 ; 1940; 1941; 1942;1943;1944 ;1945; 1500;1550;1600 ; 1650 ; 1700 ; 1750 ; 1800 ; 1850 ; 1900 ; 1950 or cold war ; creation of Islam and rise of Islam ; Abbasid caliphate ; 1736 (afsharid empire) 1747(fall of afsharid(everybody do mistakes in this scneario the don't show Azerbaijan countries correctly) And scenario which I think u should add it : TURKISH Independence war (1919-1923) Sorry for bad English. Greetings from Azerbaijan. ~…
Last reply by GhostFuad, -
- 2 replies
Like in real life the game should have natural/resources like oil,gold,etc... Also in trading i suggest add goods and resources Countries can also invest to someone's country. (sorry bad english)
Last reply by goalieubiquitous, -
- 0 replies
So morale will impact the performance of troops on the battlefield, happiness, War Weariness and how much your people are willing to recruit (Higher Morale, Population and Manpower in a province-more people you can recruit) Morale would range from 0%-100% and each nation starts out differently depending on the starting economy and technology You can increase morale using festivals, military parades (to start a military parades you can get an army there and chose it as an option), by Boosting the economy and developing, you can also increase morale using propaganda, you can make propaganda by putting up propaganda posters in a province via a building menu (o…
Last reply by srdzistevan350, -
- 0 replies
Well if he really is gonna drop a Aoh3 Well then I have some ideas you guys might like 1: more trade Options. So you know how We can make farms And stuff right? Well I want to do id that I'd be able to collect carrots carrots and stuff also collect wood be able to make mines And then sell all of that And put up a prize now If you trade with someone your relations will improve And I like that idea also when you have a large army and are doing a conquest you need to build supply camps but There should be a option to turn or off this and also it will Increase your income 2: Be able to aid your allies or anyone By aid I mean sen…
Last reply by Sun, -
- 11 replies
Hi Lukasz Jakowski, it would be great if you added nuclar bombs after 1945, for example. They could be unlocked at the 1.5 level of technology and it would cost a lot of action, but it woulld destroy all the troops and all the buildings of the enemy province on a radius of province which seems to you suitable.
Last reply by uwut, -
- 0 replies
I suggest to remove the negative numbers its bad for the game i cant see whats the total population or economy of other countries if its to big
Last reply by glimpse, -
- 12 replies
Last reply by Keralacabservice, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Can someone tell what have I write in game code to add Genocide mechanic?
Last reply by Historyk, -
- 2 replies
I suggest than you were able to select a leader Obviously it has to be only of the civilization that you had select This is for add leaders in a specific scenario or add fictitious leaders that never rule the country but you want them to rule in that scenario
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
This game could really use capitulation, because it often causes endless wars or countries not accepting peace because they have only about 2% of their provinces left So I propose that we have capitulation based of province value % remaining, for example. If the ussr has lost 65% of their province points they should capitulate, this would balance out large cities and rural areas having different values
Last reply by RostislavMerte,