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There are currently 11 Ideologies in the game.

Each of them gives different bonuses and debates, as well as interesting development paths. In Scenarios with events, do not touch them, because they are very important for the mechanic. And, we have •Authoritarianism - One of the oldest ideologies in the world characterized by the power of one person.  In the common people - Dictatorship.  Most countries in the Lelouche Rebellion scenario with this ideology are located in the Arab Union, but may appear in other countries with special paths.  Divided into sub-ideologies:


 * Arabism - This is the ideology of the direction of the Arab countries, characteristic of the veneration of the Koran and very cruel towards foreigners.  Inherent:

 * Iran

 * Iraq


 * Despotism is the most standard ideology of authoritarianism.  Characterized by the complete power of one person over another.  Example :

 * Sinai government


 * Lelouchism - Ideology of Emperor Lelouch with complete subjugation of all structures, purges, absolute power and special cruelty to criminals and rebels.


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 • Junta - This is an ideology characteristic of the power of the military over a certain territory, be it a colony, a military district or a separate state.  The largest number of Juntas is located in the Chinese Federation and the colonies of France, but on occasion it may appear in other countries.  Examples of it in countries:

 * Military District - The Chinese Ideology of appointing the military to control the territory.  An extremely strict regime of management and control of the population is being introduced in the regions.  It is characterized by the complete subordination of civilian control to the military.  Example :

 * Indian Military Region

 * Tibetan Military Region


 * The Power of the Colonies is the general name for the policy of France in relation to its personal colonies in Africa and the military administration in England.  Characterized as a "police state".


 •Nationalism is the ideology of Nationalism based on the masses and sociality.  It is characterized by the power of one nation over others and the idea of superiority.  It does not appear in the scenario, but it may appear, including in the CGS1 campaign.  It is divided into 3 types:


 * Unionism is an Ideology The creation of which we owe to the rebel in England in 1942 during the Second Bloody Spring of the Nations, Oswald Mosley.  It is characterized by centralization of power, control of the Church and the economy, as well as unity.  This sub-ideology is possible in event scenarios


 * UnterFashino - The Socialist Ideology of Nationalism created by the Italian journalist Benito Mussolini during Francrapida.  It is characterized by the state management of only the political Spector of ideology, as well as its functionality as the restoration of something historical or greatness to unite the nation.


 * National-reactionism is an ideology created, or rather declared in 1922 during the Champagne Putsch in Munich.  One Austrian Artist spoke about the guilt of some political elites and this ideology says that military service, state security and revanchism are the main foreign policy of the state, and internal censorship and the correct education of Patriotism.  After the coup, the Artist became a member of the Kontsalitilist party in the German Confederation, but later died under suspicious circumstances when meeting with the famous scientist Albert Einstein.


 •Imperial Administration is an ideology that emerged in the New World under the clear leadership of the Holy britannia Empire.  This regime is characterized by a rigid bureaucracy, as well as the specifics of managing the state apparatus, appointing to positions by nobility, and not by efficiency.  This ideology is one of the main ones and is inherent only in the Holy British Empire and its Zones.


 • Absolute Monarchy - an outdated form of government in which the monarch is free to do whatever he wants and where the aristocrats also have power.  In the campaign, it is unique to the Chinese Federation, but in the New Napoleon Days scenario, it is half the countries.  It is almost impossible to get this ideology from events.


 •Democrat-Monarchism is a combination of Parliamentary, Elected, Constitutional and Dualistic monarchies into one stream.  This form of government characterizes the restriction of the rights of the Monarch and the subsequent liberalization of the regime.  It is typical for the countries of the European Union, mostly monarchical.


 • Conservatism is an ideology that adheres to the rules of not changing anything, but in the general picture of the world for us it is more like Liberalism in the form as in the USA.  In the world, after the victory of Napoleon, this ideology remained with a few countries, mainly the European Union.  It is almost impossible to get by events.  Divided into several streams:


 * Social Conservatism is the ideology of conservative education of people and love for the State.  The ideology was coined by the President of Portugal, Antonio de Salazar.


 * Christian Conservatism - the ideology of adherents of a peaceful movement, characterized by some kind of liberal policy, but the existence of State capitalism.  The ideology was coined in 1914 by the French Marshal and Prime Minister Foch.


 • Socialism - due to the success of the policies of Napoleon I and III, socialism became almost impossible in Europe, because all countries have already granted rights and good conditions to the workers.  However, in the world of Code Geass, this ideology will be possible for several countries through events.  Its direction is characterized by Workers' Freedom, Militarism.  In countries with events, the ideology will be divided into two sub-streams - Vulgarism and Novusvialism as two different mini-Ideologies.  It's up to you to decide what you choose.


 * Vulgarism - a free ideology of socialism created against the cruelty of capitalists and rulers.  The founder is a well-known right-wing socialist who was expelled from Russia in 1932 for an attempted uprising by Bukharin.  However, on the way to Siberia, he died of hypothermia.


 * Novusvialism - the ideology of armed socialism, the pillars of which are:

 Country strength

 Liberation of the people from the oppressors

 Work for the state for the future


 • Liberalism is the largest ideology in terms of numbers.  Characterized by freedom of human rights, market economy and free trade.  The mother of this movement can be called France, where it originated in 1789.  Ideology leads several currents that are very important for the development of the plot:


 * Dextserialism is a current of Liberalism, which can be called Anarcho-Capitalism.  It was founded in 1867 by Italian economist Dexter Minivaldi.  It is characterized by the complete refusal of the state to interfere in the economy and the freedom of everything and everything, where money decides almost everything.  Countries with Dexteriarism:

 * Italy

 * Czech

 * Ukraine


 * Stadenbugism - (Confederation with him). This ideology originated in the Confederation of the Rhine and later became the basis for many countries.  Its political goal was the freedom of each region from each other and subordinate only to the Supreme Parliament, which consists of the heads of these same regions.  The regions themselves are also involved in the economy of such countries, but there is also a general state budget for the maintenance of the army, the state apparatus and trade relations, for which each region should allocate about 40% of all income.  This ideology is:

 * German Confederation

 * Federation of Austria and Hungary

 * Compound Provinces of the Netherlands


 * Social Vulgarism is an ideology created in Russia in the mid-1920s immediately after Francrapidas, or "grande guerre qui a mis fin aux conflits".  After that, the 5th President of the Russian Republic, Kerensky, created a new policy called the "New Course".  It was carried out with the aim of reassuring the people and a successful financial policy.  This ideology is characterized by an extreme left bias and is aimed primarily at supporting the people.  The economic policy of the state is the lineup of Capitalism and the planned economy, which served as the creation of Corporatism as a general direction.  For countries:

 * Russian People's Democratic Republic

 * Some countries in Africa

 * South Africa


 * Dictatorship of the Libertariat - this ideology is absent in normal mode, but exists after the black rebellion, invented by Zero as an alternative to Social Vulgarism.  Assumes Libertarianism, but in exchange the state fully assumes the obligation to protect the people, for which they are limited in their movements.  It is quite right ideology.  inherent for example

 * United States of Japan

 *United States of China


 • Rebels - The ideology is Rebellion, anarchism or coup.  Share in multiple ways


 * Anarcho-syndicalism is an ideology inherent in undeveloped countries where revolts took place


 * The Order is a special ideology of the rebellion, it was founded by Zero in 2017 during the beginning of the Black Rebellion.


 * Armed Liberation Front - the structure of the former military created after the occupation of the Japanese islands by Britannia


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