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Age of History 3

Map of Japan! (Approx: 1600-2000 Provinces)

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Map of Japan

Welcome to Japan! this map is my new project after I abandon my old map project, and I'm fricking love it.

This will also includes the entire Korean Peninsula, some parts of China, and some parts of Russia.

Currently there are only 1 scenario and cites are only on Hokkaido, if i have time i will make more.



  • Sengoku
  • Ancient Japan
  • Modern Japan
  • First Sino-Japanese War
  • Second Sino-Japanese War
  • and some to be includes!



this map is currently have only 1 scenarios (excluding test scenarios).

if you make a scenario and send it to me, i'll include in planned scenarios.




Edited by Firstkrub_

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Japan Is Done!

Oh, I will also release this map for you to try it out 9 (if map editor doesn't have problems), of course that this is still not complete, so i still need to make like, Korean Peninsula, Some parts of China, and Some parts of Russia.



Edited by Firstkrub_

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So, well, i currently working on the Japan map rn, but seems like that my map editor hates me, so its "Overwrite" my old provinces that i have made it before, And now i need to do Honshu island again, well its not all of Honshu island that i need to redo, so, i may delayed the release date by at least 1-2 weeks, includes decide my faith with my life.

Edited by Firstkrub_

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24 分前、Firstkrub_ は次のように述べています。


If you have time. Plaece make Android version. Beacause I have a Chromebook

Edited by Kozima

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On 1/13/2023 at 8:04 AM, Kozima said:

I can't download it, so could you make it a zip file?

I'll do a zip file for you. Just a minute.

theres are only 1 scenario (excluding test scenario).

btw you also can make scenario for me! so i can paste it on main page.

Download the first one, second one is an rar file.

here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pbr_knrbg91aZF-3m-vMWOJJTTNolwiD?usp=sharing

Edited by Firstkrub_

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On 2023/1/15 at 午前12時20分, Firstkrub_ said:

zip ファイルを作成します。ちょっと待って。

シナリオは 1 つだけです (テスト シナリオを除く)。


1 つ目は rar ファイルをダウンロードします。

ここ:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pbr_knrbg91aZF-3m-vMWOJJTTNOlwiD?usp=sharing

Hi I don't have background. So I need it.If you can sent me, please do it. Thank you 

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