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CommonPower Update

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The next topic will be with mod realesed.

This is lost topic with informations about mod update. Now every next update will be in comments. For now map of world is ended and now I'm doing events (for this moment it I am doing event for Commonwealth). Is some changes in map (now colonies and some puppets states of Commonwealth and France have the same color). I need some help with leaders to mod and someone to say me step by step how to share mod and new map of world.

Mod have code from Thousand Week Reich. Thanks for HawkerSP

Discord link: https://discord.gg/hwWBSp32wU



Edited by Historyk

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Mod will be have a lot of scenarios. At first I will create scenario "CommonPower". Than I will be gonna to create more scenarios: "CentralReich", " CommonPower:Rise Of Swastyka", "CommonPower: The West Eagle United", " FascistReich", "CommonPower:CommonReich", " Order Of Rising Sun".

For now to mod is added 101 CIVILIZATIONS! It will more 

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Ubokey so I started creating events for Commonwoealth. I will be naming a events what will be in mod a Events Tree. So for now I have did 12 events for Commonwoealth but I need a leader for Commonwoealth and his daughter. I need leaders for:

Commonwoealth (communism) 

Commonwoealth (republic) 

Commonwoealth (fascist) 

Commonwoealth (King from Hungary) 

Hungary (monarchy) 

Serbia (republic) 

Austria (Hungarian puppet) 

Czech (Hungarian puppet) 

Croatia (hungarian puppet) 

Venice (hungarian puppet) 

France (republic) 

Russia (fascist) 

Russia (communism) 

Russia (republic) 

Russia (military Dictatorship)

Scotland (republic) 

Ireland (Authoritarianism) 

USA (Republic) 

USA (communism) 

Don Cossacks Republic 

Emirate of Kaukas

Vladivostok (republic) 

Volgograd (republic) 

Turkenstan (Authoritarianism) 

Turkenstan (democracy) 

USA (Monarchy) 

USA (Fascist) 

Novosibirsk (republic) 


Tatarstan (republic) 

Kazan (republic) 

One more Russia Fascist Leader

Bavaria (military Dictatorship) 

German Confederation (republic) 


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Finished events for now:

For Commonwoealth (without text in titles, descriptions, outcome) 

Kongo revolution (without text too) 

I still need leaders pics (the best of them will be in HoI4 styles) 

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Civilizations what get a events chains at first version:

- Commonwoealth

- Poland

- France

- Hungary

- Russian Republic

- England

I will add more content to this civilizations in laters versions of mode

Here is every civilizations what will get there events chains:

- Commonwoealth

- France

- Hungary

- Russian republic

- England

- Ireland

- Norway

- Denmark

- Sweden

- Finland 

- Poland

- Lithuania

- Estonia

- Latvia

- Russian Empire

- North Russia Republic

- Don Cossacks Republic

- Mountain Republic

- Army of North Kazakhstan

- Kazakhstan

- China

- Tibet

- China

- China Cliniques

- Mongolia

- Khanate of Mongolia

- Outer Mongolia

- Japan

- Romania

- Moldavia

- Austria

- Czech

- Croatia

- Serbia

- Bulgaria

- Greece

- Turkey


- Ukraine

- Far East Russia

- Turkestan

- Italy ( Before united: Naples, Sicily, Papal state and Federation of Lombardy) 

-Germany (Before United: Commonwealth puppets in North Germany, Prussia, Saxony and Bavaria

- Netherlands

- Belgium

- Indonesia


- Mexico

- Guatemala

- Tatartan

- Crimea


Edited by Historyk

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Only Prussia, Austria and Bavaria will get option to unite Germany

If you will be want to unite Russia then you will be have to play as one of this countries:

- Russian Empire

-Russian Republic

- State of Siberia Black Army

- North Russian Republic

- Far East Russian


- Slavic State of Russia

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Nazwa Państwa: Francja

Oficjalna Nazwa: Republika Francji

Typ Rządu/ideologia: Demokracja

Języki urzędowe: Francuski

Status: Mocarstwo Międzynarodowe

Sojusz/frakcja: Central Powers 

Sojusznicy: Rzeczpospolita ( + jej kolonie), Królestwo Węgier ( + jego państwa zależne), kolonie francuskie, Państwa zależne od Francji

Opis: Ustanowiona po Wielkiej Rewolucji Francuskiej w 1689 roku. Posiada liczne terytoria zależne i kolonie. Jest jednym z mocarstw. Po kilkunastu latach gry wybucha w tym kraju wojna domowa pomiędzy Socjalistami, Demokratami, Monarchiistami, a Nacjonalistami. Na terytoriach jej kolonii będzie dochodzić do powstań narodowych. Jeśli republikanie wygrają wojnę domową to będą mogli poprzez liczne wojny odzyskać swoje ziemię i kolonie oraz zdobyć nowe. 

Edited by Historyk

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Obecnie eventy są zrobione tylko dla RP oraz po jednym evencie dla krajów powstałych po powstaniach. Po skończeniu eventów dla RP zacznę tworzyć eventy dla Francji, później dla Węgier, Anglii oraz Rosji. Kiedy już skończę to może wydam pierwszą wersję. Mod będzie mieć tylko nowe scenariusze, ideologie oraz państwa i najprawdopodobniej nic więcej 😛

Za niedługo wstawię linka do serwera discord

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