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There comes my screenshot of my byzantine empire golden bull 1700+ turns.

I faced tons of rebellions and if uou want play as byzantium, so make many defensive positions to retreat or otherwise you eill be smashed by the 100000+ army of ottomans if not destroy them early.

I will make a report of how i did it soon

there is too a screenshot on the intitial scenario to compare the changes.









Edited by Brasileiroaoc2 0792
Scenario name wrong.

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6 minutes ago, Brasileiroaoc2 0792 said:

There comes my screenshot of my byzantine empire golden bull 1700+ turns.

I faced tons of rebellions and if uou want play as byzantium, so make many defensive positions to retreat or otherwise you eill be smashed by the 100000+ army of ottomans if not destroy them early.

I will make a report of how i did it soon

there is too a screenshot on the intitial scenario to compare the changes.









Since then, I started with byzantium making beter relations eith foreign countries to sign non aggression pacts due to legendary difficulty. Then i invaded Athens and holded sicily naval invasions, after that i unified grecce and gone to ottomans. So i prepared a operation to fastly seize all venice puppets and islands in grecce and it was a sucess so i diverted the troops renmants to minor anatolian coatal nations. After it i took creta slowly and used the hospitalier islands to advance further in anatolia. After these wars i used thet serbia was in chaos and invaded it after they conquered Tarnovo and the tarnovo renmanta united with hungary so i took bulgaria and serbia and puppeted them in minor states because i couldn't hold the rebellions everytime while nations randomly declares war to me. After it I took the opportunity that the papal states was fighting with naples and sicily and i reunited my army to land at sicly fastly taking out them. So i took naples but they made a sucessful rebellion and placed a pre-roman nation. 

Then i stayed on peace all that time and stablized all my provinces and i recruited 100000+ units to invade Hungary and they fallen fast due to the war against sweden.          And then i recovered naples and pushed further into anatolia taking all theyr coast ans attacking their hordes and kingdoms from trabzon to karaman. Then i held and assimilated anatolia and mamluks(Khedivate Egypt) and golden horde fighted for persia, so i took the opportunity ans seized entire levant and syria then attacked the Nile cities till egypt surrendered. So i took all mediterran coast ans made a "cruzader" state do administrate the levant while i assimilate low egypt. Then i recovered naples defending them from morroco attacks and made peace with them. So i started to annex my slav puppets in bulgaria such as tarnovo and macedonia but Croatia, Transilvania ans Moldava and Nitra declared independence but austria invaded and annexed them. While im fighting against the rebels in tarnovo and palestine i needed to hold against the croatians the moldova's army. Then i mde peace and stablized the warring regions and keeped the wallachia and serbian puppets to secure the border while i finish with the rest of egypt and fund Rebels in Golden horde.

So this is how i got this is 1700 turns.

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