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Age of History 3

New Horizons: A Rise of The Phoenix submod (CHECK OUT ORIGINAL MOD)

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So guys, As my favourite mod is Rise of the Phoenix by Brunia,i decided to edit it a bit (a lot actually,xd) Province map is the same,Background is updated,i added Red Flood custom countries by (Author yet not found,because i found it by google drive on VK when my friend sent it so i could make Red Flood,but it failed xdddd)  Mod is only PC (since i dont know how to port,and i would not want to port it earlier than Brunia) Brunia,if ur watching this,i want some of your opinion on this,since in Russia,first videos about ur mod showed up,and they are pretty much positive,So,what is new? I added couple of scenarios,and yet they are the best than whatever i made back then. I plan to port some countries from AddonRedux to add them on scenarios and port Another World scenario in. New province connections to not abuse port for 1000th time,and for more enhanced anarchy and chaos on the map. What else added? Islamist flags,and possible paths of Islamic Hesse,Granada,Sicily if i ever get to make events on my scenario. For the starters,UI isnt mine,most of it is copied from popular Russian mod - Iron Reich,because of its simplicity and helpfullness during the game. Launch through AoC2.exe because jar wont even open. I would prob like update this thing in next year,2024,so i will add enough things to mess with. (warning: Most of this "mod" isnt mine,base is RoTP,You need to play Rise of the Phoenix,because of how good it is,Spanish localisation is dead because i work only with english language,and yet i didnt found any way to add my own language,russian. Cya next year, i will do some comments with screenshotting random things and playthroughs i achieved.

ALPHA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u_9Davn61jDdc1f9tOHwWQfNwEg9OiSU/view?usp=sharing
0.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dS3vwbn8fZY6evvSrFR-WlY3lQCpNId3/view?usp=sharing

Iron Reich Development Team
And the mr. retarded (aka me,xd)


Original mod: (Play it,it is really good,support him and his creation)


Edited by RostislavMerte

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2 hours ago, RostislavMerte said:

Brunia,if ur watching this,i want some of your opinion on this,since in Russia,first videos about ur mod showed up,and they are pretty much positive

that's just wow. even with no code changes.


and i approve of this submod

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Update Soon adding next:

Rework of Post Nuclear scenario
2 test events (prob will be deleted)
Addition of overlays from TNO (by Aren)
More musics!

Also,in other update i plan to make formable nations.
And i will add backgrounds for you to change up (if you dont like the current one. Note,the maps name is Rivers,not AoC2)


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0.3 Update in development
What's new?

A dead russian language with no letters for native russians to translate freely and help me out.




And possibility of Zocrotists taking over Algeria and making funny things to France,Morocco,Spain,Andorra,Catalonia and Portugal


Edited by RostislavMerte

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On 1/23/2023 at 10:06 PM, bundha3 said:

that's just wow. even with no code changes.


and i approve of this submod

woohoo, hello me from 1 year ago. i've remade your lore and map, if you don't mind.

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