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Age of History 3

Plunder improved

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Hi, in the game exist the problem of plunder because at start you demage too many the province for cheap money, because in much time is better conquer and convert the province, in advanced game the money gained for 100% is very very cheap, for destroyng a province... the question is: is possible improve the plunder  (or better can raid the neigthbors for lose relations, using a "plunder war")? Because the IA use only for demage you pocket province (especially if you are big, is only a boring thing).

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I only use plunder to destroy successful enemy provinces along with manually destroying the buildings i.e farms, workshops etc., but I do agree that plundering should bring more cash considering the destruction that it ensued.

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1 hour ago, SLiCK_Mx said:

I only use plunder to destroy successful enemy provinces along with manually destroying the buildings i.e farms, workshops etc., but I do agree that plundering should bring more cash considering the destruction that it ensued.

Not is a good idea destroy the building  of the province  can you conquest now or in a soon  future. But is good for not do border gore raid province out of my interest  in the soon future. But stopping the Advance,for a do small  malus at enemy when i liberate country do a much demage(less territory,less money,less troops) instaed can raiding 

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