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Age of History 3
Chairman Baad

You Can Give Provinces Unique Names

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AoH2 typically names a province after its city. But you can actually change the province name to whatever you want. And even without a city in the province, you can still give it a name other than "Fokus". This is done through a map's province_names folder. In the base game, this is how the sea provinces get their names.

How to add a unique province name:

  1. Find the ID of the province you want to name by going into "Edit Connections And Provinces".
  2. In your AoH2 directory, go to map/<map name>/province_names. If you don't have a province_names folder, copy the one from the AoH1 map into your map.
  3. Open the names file in a text editor, preferably Notepad++.
  4. Add your province name on the line with a value one higher than the province ID. (ex. province ID 1821 = line 1822)
  5. Save your changes and reload the map.

And now whenever you hover over the province in-game, you'll see the name you gave it regardless of how many cities are in it!

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