Our Picks
Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.

What is the best Empire you made?
Random Guy111 posted a topic in Offtopic AoC2,
- 23 replies
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Random Guy111,Game of Thrones
Farenheit posted a topic in Mods,
I planning to make:
1.A newmap of Westeros & Essos.
2.New background.
3. New scenarios
4.New civilizations
Edit: Also I will add new cities and several ideologies,
My group in VK - https://vk.com/aocmaps
- 88 replies
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Leonard,(Spanish) (Beta) The three wars
Masterkiler posted a topic in Scenarios,
When the beta phase no longer has errors I will upload the scenario to media fire, (Some things will be modified from the real story).
Este escenario también se encuentra en la fase de desarrollo, se trata de tres guerras que tuvieron lugar en América del Norte en tiempos muy cercanos, que son la Guerra Civil Estadounidense, la Segunda intervención francesa en México y la reunificación de América Central.
Cuando la fase beta ya no tenga errores, subiré el escenario a Media fire (algunas cosas se modificarán de la historia real).
- 1 reply

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Masterkiler,(Spanish) (Beta) Alternative Future 1850
Masterkiler posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 0 replies

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Masterkiler,1960s scenario update - There will now be more ideologies included!
Tuyuko posted a topic in Scenarios,
Heres a few screenshots showing off the new ideologies.
The new Ideologies that will be included are
- Marxism
- Stalinism
- Leninism
- Marxist-Leninism
- Maoism
Some other ideologies that I plan to include and are still working on are
- Titoism (For Yugoslavia)
- Juche (For North Korea)
- Burmese Socialism (For Burma)
- Hoxhaism (For Albania)
To add more flare to these ideologies, I will also be including unique alternate flags for these ideologies that some countries will have. Not all will have unique flags for every ideology, but some will.
These flags will all be custom made by me.
In addition to all this, I'll also be adding more releasable nations to the scenario such as all 50 US states and the Canadian provinces.
As for a release date, I can't say but just know it will be done sometime this year.
Heres some mod progress:
Scenario itself - Done
Cores - Half Done
Leaders - Still Working on it!
Ideologies - Half Done
Flags - Still Working on it!
Events - Still Working on it!
- 7 replies
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itelrv2,Second World War (WW2) Historical! [Concept]
k_laczi posted a topic in Scenarios,
This is my first sceriano!
-20+ events
-Relase: August!
That 's the video of the concept: https://youtu.be/Ng9n8bwYbLg
(pls reaction) xD
- 1 reply
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hitler 141,Fate of World Mod - First Video First Review (NEW RELIGIONS AND IDEOLOGIES) - 256 NEW IDEOLOGIES by AoC2ModdingTR
Kerem Yılmaz posted a topic in Mods,
Hi Guys. We have been preparing an AoC2 mod called 'Fate of World'. In this video I will give some information about 'Religions' and 'Ideologies'. We have added 256 Ideologies and 6 Religions.
Added Ideologies: 37
Added Religions:
With new Religions and Ideologies there are total 256 new Ideology
This was the first Interview Video. Our first Interview video was about 'Religions and Ideologies'. Second will be about new Scenarios, third will be about new Icons, fourth will be about UI and Map Background and last fifth one will be about the Great Map of Portugal(if we can finish it before 7th October)
We are going to release 'Fate of World at 7th November 2019
Don't forget shot like and subscribe.
Ideologies & Religions by Lim10
- 41 replies
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memososisi posted a topic in Scenarios,
Addin+ V2 video is above this text.
Addin+ V3 video is above this text
Addin+ V4 video is above this text
Addin+ V4 Fixed video is above this text
Addin+ V4.5 video is above the text.
Addin+ V5 video is above this text.
Addin+ V6 video is above this text.
Also you can join these groups for new mods:
How to Upload New Scenarios for Age of Civilizations II Android: https://youtu.be/Z5PztpzWY6o
How to Upload Civilizations_Editor Documents for Age of Civilizations II Android:
How to Upload New Maps for Age of Civilizations II Android:
How to Download Documents on Link.tl *Updated*:
Links for Upload Scenario,Map,Mod:
A PK Extractor Download Link:
http://link.tl/1ZDn6 (Google Play Store)
MT Manager Download Link:
http://link.tl/1ZDnn (apkmonk.com)
ZArchiver Download Link:
http://link.tl/1ZDne (Google Play Store)
You needn't do anything except download and upload the documents
Download Link for Addin+ V1: http://link.tl/2iGqt
Download Link for Addin+ V2: http://link.tl/2iZi4
Download Link for Addin+ V3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-xITOMOtSqhcRUACFtecQtnHvpVxui8_/view?usp=drivesdk
Download Link for Addin+ V4 (Android): https://lnk.news/2j9fp
Download Link for Addin+ V4 (PC): https://lnk.news/2j9fD
Download Link for Addin+ V4 Fixed (Android): https://lnk.news/2j9fp
Download Link for Addin+ V4 Fixed (PC): https://lnk.news/2j9fD
Download Link for Addin+ V4.5 (Android): https://lnkload.com/2jaxA
Download Link for Addin+ V5 (PC): https://lnkload.com/2jgwB
Download Link for Addin+ V5 (Android): https://lnkload.com/2jguN
Download Link for Addin+ V6 (PC): https://lnkload.com/2jHVl
Download Link for Addin+ V6 (Android): https://lnkload.com/2jEnk
How to get permission? You should just put a bowl of water or food in your street and take a photo of it. #PledgeABowl #ForAnimals
You can send me your photos on this websites: 1)
Instagram @memososisi or @memososisigaming or @ageofcivilizations2
- 432 replies
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magyumag,1946 Alternate History Scenario V0.5
General Whiskers posted a topic in Scenarios,
Here's the download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/kqq0238wtpb3jtl/1946_(Alternate_History_Scenario).zip/file
For Screenshots Scroll Down
- 8 replies
Picked By
hitler 141,Post in Project: Alpha (13.316 Provinces) | v0.1.5 Update | DOWNLOAD NOW!
Kerem Yılmaz posted a post in a topic,
Don't forget leave a like :)

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kokakolabrooooo posted a topic in Mods,
What this mod includes
Map of Yugoslavia(ALL COUNTRIES ARE DIVIDED BY ADMINISTRATIV DIVISIONS)-There is a lot greater map of Balkan by @Jankovich
A LOT of scenarios
A LOT of new civilizations
A LOT more formable civilizations
New UI based on some reddish colors
I am not sure so imma let that on you guys.Not sure,do you guys want new music?-imma make poll.Also i need people for translation in languages:Serbian,Croatian and Slovenian.
TELL ME what you think and tell me your suggestions(screenshots soon)
70 provinces DONE!
- 13 replies
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kokakolabrooooo,My first scenario "1871"
parodiator posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 3 replies

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parodiator,I need help but not with the actual game
Yello_y posted a question in Help,
- 0 replies

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Korean Japanese War
saladmonster243 posted a topic in Scenarios,
This is a scenario about Korea United Defeated the Chinese and went to war with Japan.
While Japanese had their own ambitions by defeating the Russian's.
How to install - Put the 1588701314113dhuyffol file in (D or any disc that u have the game installed on) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios then put the rest of the files in that folder and you will have the scenario.
Discamer - This scenario doesn't represent any in real life event its purly fiction made by the author
- 2 replies
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saladmonster243,Sandbox Mode/Beginner mode.
Yello_y posted a topic in Tutorials,
- 3 replies

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Yello_y,WW3 Every year
DespotMilan posted a topic in Offtopic AoC2,
I cannot spoil you the story but i will upload the pictures of the process of the video @Lucas L are you here ru gonna support me when i was making ww2?
Share this topic to others so i can have more support and know that people will watch it i sure know it is quarantine so i think you will be free to support me.
For the first start look this picture - China wants to invade the mongolia so it can expand its land and be stronger and defeat Great Asian Co-Sphere (Great Japan) but Japan saw this and it invades mongolia too.
- 30 replies

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DespotMilan,AoC2 Discord Server
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Offtopic AoC2,
- 1 reply

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Davi Gamer 2017,AoC2 Discord Server
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Offtopic AoC2,
- 1 reply

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Davi Gamer 2017,Soviet Republics Scenario
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 0 replies

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Davi Gamer 2017,Soviet Republics Scenario
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 0 replies

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Davi Gamer 2017,WW1 Scenario
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 10 replies

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Davi Gamer 2017,WW1 Scenario
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a topic in Scenarios,
- 10 replies

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Davi Gamer 2017,Coronavirus mod
Souliousery posted a question in Help,
Name: "Coronavirus",
BeginningYear: -5000,
EndYear: 5000,
R: 120,
G: 45,
B: 45,
I don't know why it was deleted, also why did Łukasz repost my mod on his twitter without credit? Can I please have an answer? I wasn't even told of the deletion.
- 12 replies
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Souliousery,The German Divide
Souliousery posted a topic in Scenarios,
The German Divide is a mod that I'm making. It's basically a mod where France made the majority of the Treaty of Versailles articles.
Screenshots are in the thread.
The mod is now downloadable on the thread.
To do:
Alpha release:
Finalize map (working on)
Beta release:
Add custom leaders
Add custom nations
Prepare events
Finalize lore (planned, lore document will be released when finished)
I would gladly accept help with designing flags, creating lore and custom portraits!
Thank you for your time.
- 1 reply
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Souliousery,How to give suggestions?
Davi Gamer 2017 posted a question in Help,
- 1 reply