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Age of History 3

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You refused to answer any community questions yet but fucking archive my questions is this were all of our money went to? If you truly care about us say something reply then if you archive this then you just don't give a fuck


One archive question



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When it releases

It looks amazing

It's transform8ng AoCII in HoI4

So I’ve been working on a scenario  for quite some time on my Ipad, and I was wondering if there was a way to share it.  Also, I’ve noticed some event don’t work, so if anyone knows which ones do work, and which ones don’t it would be nice to know.
  • 0 replies

If someone makes a map about Mars, he can add this civilization 🙂

Mars Stronk.zip
  • 1 reply

guys we need a european mod that takes place from 1860’s europe to the interwar period of the 20’s in europe.The reason being is that i was picking what scenario to play and i didnt see a scenario that had anything like it
  • 0 replies

Alternativ 2050


North America

1. The US has broken up into 50 countries.
2. Iceland annexed Greenland.
3. Mexico has annexed all other North American countries.

South America

1. Only Chille, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro remained on the continent.
2. Rio de Janeiro regains its independence.
3. Cuba has annexed all the islands around her.


1. Large countries have merged into the African Union.
2. Algeria, Egypt, the African Union, Nigeria, Madagascar and South Africa remained on the continent.


1. Regained independence: Asturias, the Kingdom of Leon, the Kingdom of Navarre, Aragon, the Kingdom of Valencia, Aquitaine, the Kingdom of Burgundy, Provence, the Rhine Palatinate, the Grand Duchy of Baden, Hesse, Bremen, Hamburg, the Duchy of Holstein, Mecklenburg, the Duchy of Pomerania, the Free City of Gdańsk, Prussia, Wales, Kingdom of Scotland, Kingdom of England, Catalonia, Majorca, Sicily, District of Flanders, Venetian Republic, Kingdom of Naples, Principality of Athens, Kosovo, Republika Srpska, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Bavaria, Principality of Silesia, Smolensk, Crimean Khanate, Kingdom of Brittany.
2. Portugal and Giblartar took part of the land of Spain.
3. Luxembourg took part of the land of Belgium.
4. Sicily has changed into the Emirate of Sicily.
5. Turkey took part of the land of Greece.
6. Cyprus and Northern Cyprus have merged into one country.
7. Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic annexed Slovakia.
8. Austria annexed Slovenia.
9. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia took some lands from the Balkan states.
10. Poland, Hungary and Romania took part of the land of Ukraine.
11. Poland and Hungary have an alliance.
12. Sweden annexed part of Finland.
13. Poland, Prussia and Latvia annexed half of Lithuania's land.
14. Latvia has taken half the land of Estonia.


1. Russia broke up into: the Duchy of Moscow, the Crimean Khanate, Smolensk, the Great Odra, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Russian Empire, Siberia and Russia.
2. North and South Korea merged into one country.


1.Indonesia has annexed all the islands in Australia.
  • 1 reply


Hello to everyone. As AoC2ModdingTR Group, we have prepared a new mode. ON THE VERGE OF WAR MODE ... There are 5 scenarios and 218 events in the mode. There is also a map of Spain with 1366 states in the mode.

- ''1366 Provinces of Spain Map'' : A map of Spain with real city boundaries of 1366 states. By Kerems2434

- ''The Distribution 1967'' : There are 40 events in the script. It covers the years 1967-1980 in detail. The Distribution 1967 by PrimeMusTR and Kerems2434. The events in the pictures are in Turkish but don't worry. Translated into English.

- WW1 Scenario with 100 Events:  The script starts in 1910 and continues until 1920. So not only WW1, but also before and after WW1. WW1 Scenario with 100 Events by Kerems2434, MirzaBaba44 and PrimeMusTR.

- WW3 On The Verge of War : I can tell you that the mode gets its name from here. When you begin this scenario, do not expect WW3 to exit immediately. You will make decisions that will drag or save the world into this great global war. You will always try to keep yourself ready for WW3 against possible decisions from events going to other states. I guarantee you will have fun. The scenario is prepared by PrimeMusTR, Kerems2434 and MirzaBaba44.


- Victorian Era+++: There are 12 events in the script and Victorian Era makes the script more realistic. Victorian Era +++ by Kerems2434


1846 Scenario :  There are 16 events in the newly added 1846 scenario.

Innovations Outside Scenarios:

- New UI

- New Font

-New 1366 provinces of spain map

And more more more....



UI Installation: Copy H and paste it into the UI. Say yes to the incoming alert.


A-P-K LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-1iBoSPRJFT2lT3sCTWPpLOWGd2SP_BH



The link for the map of Spain will arrive on 2-3 days.


AoC2ModdingrTR Group

Kerems2434 - PrimeMusTR - MirzaBaba44 - Hurtlyz - Berat2121113 - Ieunal61 - TürkGücü - iAyuviSerkqn

  • 141 replies

Greater Europe Map v0.75 - DEMO out now
[Moved to here]

Welcome to the Greater Europe Map project. My long term goal is to have a Europe with a ton of provinces, because why have America, Africa and Asia, when you can have a hell of a lot of provinces in Europe?

The map while having a ton of provinces will still be only Europe to help people with horrible computers. I feel you dudes.



Current Version: 0.19

Screenshots are updated every 10 versions


Regions Finished:

Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Northern France, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Prussia, Western Poland, Central Poland, Eastern Poland, Southern France,

Northern Italy

Regions currently being made:, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia


An example of my work:
  • 240 replies

On The Verge Of War MOD (WW1,1846,Victorian Era+++, The Distribution 1967, WW3) - (5 Scenario and 246 Events) - (Mobile and PC Compatible)


Hello to everyone ... PrimeMusTR, Mirza Baba44 and I Kerem 2434 from the AoC2ModdingTR team are preparing a new mod. There are 5 scenarios in the mode: The Distribution 1967,Victorian Era+++,1846, WW1 and WW3.

- ''The Distribution 1967'' : There are 40 events in the script. It covers the years 1967-1980 in detail. The Distribution 1967 by PrimeMusTR and Kerems2434. The events in the pictures are in Turkish but don't worry. Translated into English.




- WW1 Scenario with 100 Events:  The script starts in 1910 and continues until 1920. So not only WW1, but also before and after WW1. WW1 Scenario with 100 Events by Kerems2434, MirzaBaba44 and PrimeMusTR.




- WW3 On The Verge of War : I can tell you that the mode gets its name from here. When you begin this scenario, do not expect WW3 to exit immediately. You will make decisions that will drag or save the world into this great global war. You will always try to keep yourself ready for WW3 against possible decisions from events going to other states. I guarantee you will have fun. The scenario is prepared by PrimeMusTR, Kerems2434 and MirzaBaba44.


- Victorian Era+++: There are 40 events in the script and Victorian Era makes the script more realistic. Thanks to UlutasErn and Le'Vaux for this scenario.



1846 Scenario :  There are 16 events in the newly added 1846 scenario.

Innovations Outside Scenarios:

- New Game Soundtracks

- New UI

- New Font

-New 500+ provinces of spain map

And more more more....



The mode will be shared as a dedicated -A-P-K- for mobile devices. All mobile users need to do is install the -A-P-K-. PC users will perform the classic installation.


The mode will exit until 07.08.2019


AoC2ModdingrTR Group

Kerems2434 - PrimeMusTR - MirzaBaba44 - Hurtlyz - UlutasErn - Le'Vaux - Berat2121113 - Ieunal61
  • 184 replies

What happened to this game lukasz we need an update you cant just leave the community in the dark like this even if you just tell us you abandoned the game Lukasz please we really need an update i understand that you are a single developer and that making games is hard but i love this game it is one of my favourite games and i really want some kind of update Lukasz please the community needs to know what happened

  • 3 replies

Paint mod
  • 15 replies

Hello friends!

I have bug which sort of ruins the game. On about turn 4000 relations between nations started getting reset to 0.0.

I end up with "Improve relations" not working at all (with rare exceptions) and most of the world being completely neutral (see pictures attached).

Is there a patch/mod/way to fix this? Thanks.

  • 14 replies

⚠ Topic en progreso ⚠

Guía para jugar con distintas naciones:


Naciones tribales:

Consejo: La mejor manera de empezar con este tipo de gobierno es gastar todo tus ingresos en investigación para que puedas civilizar rápidamente tu nación y con ello conquistar rápidamente tus vecinos tribales como pasa con el Imperio Azteca.


Jugar con Alemania Nazi:

Consejo: Descarga o haz un escenario de la SGM ya que el escenario defecto está muy des balanceado.

En el inicio del escenario, no tengas guerras con las naciones más poderosas como la Unión Soviética, Francia o Reino Unido. Recomiendo si quieres conquistar ir por tus pequeños vecinos pero gastar tus ingresos en la población para que estas generen más dinero y puedas reclutar mayor población en conflictos grandes es más efectivo. Posteriormente un truco también más efectivo  es mandar una amenaza. Puedes llegar a avasallar una nación por más poderosa que sea si tienes un ejercito grande, dejar pasar la tregua y anexionar todo el territorio.


 Trucos en partida ya iniciada:

Cambiar la civilización con la que juegas _________✔_________

Existen dos maneras de cambiar la civilización que controlas:

- Una es formando civilización, con las mismas por defecto que están en el juego o creando una nueva en el editor de juego. 

- Otra manera es, darle en liberar un vasallo, seleccionar el territorio que desees, seleccionar jugar como vasallo lo liberas y empiezas estabilizando TODO el territorio ya que no posees núcleos, cuando la civilización este totalmente estabilizada podrás declarar la independencia.


Poner a civilizaciones en contras de otras 

¿Cansado de las fastidiosas guerras con naciones muy poderosas? ¿Quieres declararle la guerra a un país pero tiene un vasallo? Entonces el siguiente truco te gustara:

Solo selecciona oferta de comercio a la civilización que quieras hacer que declare la guerra a otra, dale dinero para que declare la guerra a la nación que desees. Este "xploit" es muy bueno ya que incluso puedes hacer que los vasallos declaren la guerra a su dueño.


¡No dudes en decir si los trucos presentados te sirvieron!

Me ayudarías mucho si compartes este topic con algún amigo que es nuevo o que podría ayudarle estos consejo.


En un futuro incluiré imágenes
  • 24 replies

(formable) Nations Plus

I've made some Nations formable, and changed some original country formations.

Now Formable Countries:

Greece - Wasn't Formable before, is now formable by Achaea, Athens, Candia and Naxos.

Byzantine Empire - Greece

Belgium - Flanders, Brabant and Liege

Tuscany - Siena and Florence

Wales - Gwynedd, Powys and Dyfed

Westphalia - A lot of West German duchies.

Kingdom of France - Northern french duchies.

Saudi Arabia - Basically all tribes in the general area can form this.

Frisian Kingdom - Liewer düd aß slaawe!

England - Kent, Wessex, Essex

Western Rome - By Italy

Swabia - Alsace, Württemberg, Baden and ULM

Andalucia - Granada

Korea - Baekje, Silla and Goguryeo (and also North and South Korea)


Changed country formations:

Prussia - More sensible province count for the Formation of Prussia.

Austria - Carinthia and Salzburg can now also form Austria.

German Empire - Now formable by Prussia, Westphalia and Swabia.

Rome is now formable by Western Rome and the Byzantines instead of Italy and the Byzantines.


Every piece of media is uploaded to the Forum including the Archive.







Westphalia: (which can also form the German empire now)

Kingdom of France: (Now formable by some of the French duchies)


Frisian Kingdom:



India: (might have missed some stuff if you find missing provinces or can't form this tell me!)

Occitània: (somewhat incomplete)






  • 17 replies

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I am Matija
  • 0 replies

I am currently starting to create the map BIG MAP Poland 🙂
I have created, inter alia: Świnoujście, Szczecin and Międzyzdroje.

province is currently 29


Sorry for the text From the translator: P
  • 12 replies

Hi guys, I’m having some issues on IOS. First off, the Diplomacy tab doesn’t work. This is only after I have reinstalled the game(due to the same issue). It happens about 2-3 weeks after I reinstalled. This makes it impossible to declare war, or any other Diplomatic actions. Also, I can not assimilate any of my provinces. It’s a pain in the rear end, and the only way I’ve been able to solve it was to reinstall, but that loses all of my save data(and hours into the game). Please help!
  • 0 replies

Tamriel Map
Tamriel Map
  • 2 replies

yup :)

I made a Turkish war of indepence scenerio.

Kurtuluş savaşı senaryosu yaptım.


Here are some pictures:
  • 6 replies

It's really been like Idk since February since you really did anything with the game also since then you have been TOO SILENT this is really unacceptable especially that mod tweet the Fuck was that about, like can you just tell us what are you really doing instead leaving us in the dark like this, this silence is just ridiculous 

Have a nice day


Also its been way half of the year
  • 2 replies

It's really been like Idk since February since you really did anything with the game also since then you have been TOO SILENT this is really unacceptable especially that mod tweet the Fuck was that about, like can you just tell us what are you really doing instead leaving us in the dark like this, this silence is just ridiculous 

Have a nice day


Also its been way half of the year
  • 2 replies

Posso ajudar-te no idioma português :)

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