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Hi! Until my modification, Age Of Emperors, I was creating a family tree system that would work more or less like Crusader Kings II. When a king dies, his son becomes king. However, when the king has no descendants, an election takes place. I need one person who is familiar with Java and AOC2 is written.


Edited by Sarekreiz

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On 11/29/2020 at 2:03 AM, krauser3ful said:

wow can you really do that? how did you do it?
unfortunately I don't know anything about java, I would have liked to be able to help you.

Okay, join here if you have discord.

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can I get notified when this is possible? The only way right now is for someone to look inside the norrvagen mod as that has the feature, it is likely hidden inside the exe or jar file waiting to be found... I also need this for my alt hist cold war scenario as changing leaders is a hard af task, also the link for the discord is expired, could you send another?

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