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First I will emphasize that my level of English is questionable so please be patient.

I starting with an explanation of a somewhat complex and advanced suggestion, which is about allowing greater creativity in the editor mode for all players, what I mean is for example, Create new custom units, buildings, ideologies and even religions. This could facilitate the unlimited creation of content that players have to offer, not just limited to what the game offers, but the community as well. 

I also want to highlight a suggestion that the "Creation of Civilizations" section could be improved, What do I mean? I mean that users can make specific flags for a specific ideology or religion. 

Also, there may be a possibility that the AI in the diplomacy section can be disabled in the scenarios, as so that users whose scenarios are mostly based on events do not have unexpected situations, such as: that the Ottoman Empire declares war on Bhutan or that Monaco declares war on the USA. What I mean is that there is an option to disable only the artificial diplomacy of the AI, but not the AI itself, thus allowing scenarios with events to develop more easily.

As far as I know, there are nukes, so I have to assume that nukes will be launched in two ways: Silos and bombers. This would open an unlimited door to users, it means that in editor mode we can create specific custom buildings for specific custom units. Which could lead to the following suggestion: Technology Tree Editor 

The technology tree editor could open a great door when creating scenarios and mods, since when users create new buildings and units in the editor mode, The tech tree could be extended further, so again you wouldn't be limited to what the game offers.

Clearly the basic thing is that the technology is unlocked with:


For whom: - country/all -

When: - Age/all -

Where you can investigate: - continent/all - 

The research appears when: - an investigation was investigated or another condition.-

When investigated the nation get:

- Unit -?

- Benefits -?

- A religion -?

- Buildings -?

-  ideology -?

This was a somewhat basic sample of what the technology tree editor could be.

I also suggest an editor mode for some basic and deep details of the game. This editor will not only be in the basic "Editor" section but also in our daily games. What would this new and possibly useless mechanic be? This sounds a bit absurd and will possibly consume more device resources. This is an editor mode for companies in the game, how does that work, it is practically a way to earn a little more money using national and international trade by charging companies or in another way, create state companies that give us an economy bonus or the opposite, such as when a monopoly occurs.

You can even make the Gameplay more complicated by implementing that weapons companies must build ammunition for armies, this would generate a new and possibly much more difficult difficulty.

Well, since this is turning into an encyclopedia, I'll have to end here now,  So thanks for reading and I hope my incredibly bad English hasn't been a problem for you.

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