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Age of History 3

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In the game before we only had music from Kevin, an artist who usually makes copyright-free music but he didn't have much variety. My idea is that there are more types of music in the game, including classical and hymns or popular songs from different countries. An example would be Napoleonic France, classical music or a French anthem from that time could play in the background. If there are no songs for that specific civilization, you could choose from a library from different countries or use classical music or music by Kevin.


En el juego antes solo teníamos músicas de Kevin, un artista que suele hacer música sin copyright pero no tenía mucha variedad. Mi idea es que en el juego existan más tipos de música incluyendo clásica y himnos o canciones populares de distintos países. Un ejemplo sería la Francia napoleónica, podría sonar de fondo música clásica o algún himno francés de esa época. Sino hay canciones para esa civilización en concreto se podría escoger de una librería de distintos países o utilizar música clásica o de Kevin.

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I have ideas what the options for a different music system might be:
-Each era has its own playlist, like in Civilization 6, so each era has its own atmosphere in audio.
-A radio station, like in EU4 and HOI4, so each player can choose what music to play.

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