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This will be very complicated for the AI as aoh2 AI  is already pretty stupid,I don't think AI would be able to resolve the crisis ,but if Lukasz improves the AI this might work .Further I think that crisis resolvement process should include various events.

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On 4/6/2024 at 7:40 AM, MisterT said:

Well, this is my first post, It's a lot of text and I overwrote a lot of things, but I hope you get the idea. This system is mostly planned for long-term games, since crises as such would allow the collapse or birth of new civilizations, as long as it feels realistic and the progress of a game can be more immersive.

Basically I came up with the idea of adding a crisis system to Age of History 3. Crises should have different types and some change in relation to the era in which you are playing. The crises would also have different levels and depending on how the crisis is managed, it could get worse or better, obviously the crises must also affect artificial intelligences, although it would probably be complicated to implement it (I really don't know much about code, but oh well).

A crisis level rises when the danger bar reaches 100%, when the bar fills, you will have a short period of time before the level increases, the moment it increases, the bar will reach 0 and will rise again unless you deal with the crisis. Each level has a maximum and minimum debuffs, which increase progressively based on how full the danger bar is (example: an imminent economic crisis has a minimum of -2% economic growth and when it reaches 100% it will reach 5%).

The AI would have different ways of dealing with its crises and the AI's decision to manage a crisis well or badly is totally random, although I consider that depending on the ideology or type of government, the AI has more or less priority to manage. each type of crisis.


The crisis levels are:

- Imminent: the first level of crisis, it does not notify you about it but it has no major repercussions, no immediate action or overreaction is required. By treating it correctly it will be automatically eliminated. it almost does not affect the gameplay


- Casual: The crisis will have notable but not significant effects, you can continue playing normally when entering this level of crisis but it is risky. Resolving this level of danger automatically eliminates the ongoing crisis. requires certain actions.


- Complex: it significantly affects the gameplay and requires immediate action. Complex crises can minorly affect other areas that are not entirely related to the type of crisis in progress. They can also affect countries dependent on you as vassals. has the least risk of causing small revolutions. Solving a complex crisis will turn it into a casual one, which will be eliminated when treated correctly. When a complex crisis lowers its crisis level, it will be at 90% of its danger bar.


- Severe: a massive crisis that affects all areas noticeably and its main area in an extremely significant way, this level of crisis must be dealt with with all resources at hand and can lead to large-scale civil wars. These crises can also significantly affect vassals and their desire of freedom, offering them more opportunities to become independent from their lord. Countries in severe crises will be more defenseless against other enemy civilizations, in the event that you share a border with a country whose relationship is quite low and you enter this type of crisis, there is a possibility that it will declare war on you, obviously the AI will to avoid declaring war when entering this type of crisis and may even offer non-aggression pacts or enter into alliances/defensive pacts in order to avoid entering into war. In a severe national crisis, the danger bar will still continue to rise, if the bar reaches 100%, you will enter a civil war with the second most popular ideology in your country (or an ideology contrary to the current government if it is not implemented a system similar to ideology popularity of HOI4).


- Overwhelming: Exclusive to international crises, they can include world wars or pandemics, overwhelming crises only begin when these conditions are met: it affects at least 5 civilizations, the danger bar is at its maximum and there is at least one world power included among them. the affected civilizations. The overwhelming crises will noticeably affect all areas of the affected countries (not as significantly as the severe crisis, obviously). This level will also have other effects depending on the type of international crisis that is in progress.


Crisis categories:

- National crises: Its name says it all, crises that affect a civilization individually. It can escalate to an international crisis depending on each one.

the subcategories of national crises are the next:


- Epidemic: the same as a pandemic but limited to the borders of a country. It is treated and begins just like a pandemic. It can become a pandemic as soon as it affects another civilization.


- Social Crisis: A crisis that affects areas of population growth, stability and happiness. At large levels it can cause coups d'état or civil wars, as well as rebellions that become increasingly stronger. Social crises usually occur within an ethnic, ideological, religious minority, etc. Social crises can still extend to the majority of the population if it is not treated in time or as it should.


- Economic crisis: This type of crisis affects the provinces' earning of money and taxes and at the same time makes it difficult for the provinces to maintain themselves. At high levels it can cause an economic collapse in the country, and if you are an economic power it can evolve into an economic depression (international crisis), in addition to that, it can generate high-level social crises and revolutions, coups d'état and negative profit of gold.


- Political crisis: affects the political area and influences areas of corruption, maintenance of politicians, their buffos, technological gain and negatively affects the influence over vassals. At large levels it can significantly affect corruption, cause other social and economic crises, coup d'état and serious problems of maintaining the army and administration of provinces.



- International crises: crises that affect two or more countries at the same time, global organizations can intervene in them and global powers can too. International crises will always begin from a national crisis that affects several countries. This type of crisis always begins as casual, not as imminent, it can only begin as imminent when it is still a national crisis that affects multiple civilizations.

 the subcategories of international crises are:


- Pandemics: no need to explain. I don't know exactly how it will be treated in AoC3 since this type is already going to be included by default. It starts as an epidemic, it is considered a pandemic as soon as it affects another country.


- Social spring: a crisis based on the Arab Spring, affecting multiple countries that have some significant characteristic in common (such as ethnicity, governing ideology or religion). It can cause multiple civil wars or coups at once and can activate government change or law reform events.


- Economic depression: basically an economic crisis that affects multiple countries that share a form of government or tax collection. could be born based on a severe economic crisis in a country that is an economic power.


- Organized uprising: not to be confused with social spring, because unlike this, the organized uprising is an organization that can be ethnic or religious and that seeks to CREATE A NEW COUNTRY. It begins as a social crisis in the future affected countries and can also begin when an uprising crisis succeeds in an important country in some area shared between several civilizations.


- Latent threat: This crisis idea is taken directly from Stellaris' "Nemesis" DLC, if you've played the DLC you'll know what I mean. This type of international crisis begins when there is a country whose actions go against a global organization or a group of countries and threatens the existence of these same civilizations. The crisis as such is the country that generates this international danger. This subcategory of crisis can also happen if a country has the potential to start a world war and generate tension between other civilizations.


- World War: There's not much need to explain what it is. It can begin when at least 2 alliances whose members include at least one global power and other 2 civilizations declare war on each other. It can also happen if at least 4 global powers go to war with each other. Either condition could mean a world war.


I hope someone can read even a little and like the idea. Anyone can comment on other types of crises that they want to contribute to this system.

That's all, bye 😄.


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On 4/6/2024 at 6:40 AM, MisterT said:

Well, this is my first post, It's a lot of text and I overwrote a lot of things, but I hope you get the idea. This system is mostly planned for long-term games, since crises as such would allow the collapse or birth of new civilizations, as long as it feels realistic and the progress of a game can be more immersive.

Basically I came up with the idea of adding a crisis system to Age of History 3. Crises should have different types and some change in relation to the era in which you are playing. The crises would also have different levels and depending on how the crisis is managed, it could get worse or better, obviously the crises must also affect artificial intelligences, although it would probably be complicated to implement it (I really don't know much about code, but oh well).

A crisis level rises when the danger bar reaches 100%, when the bar fills, you will have a short period of time before the level increases, the moment it increases, the bar will reach 0 and will rise again unless you deal with the crisis. Each level has a maximum and minimum debuffs, which increase progressively based on how full the danger bar is (example: an imminent economic crisis has a minimum of -2% economic growth and when it reaches 100% it will reach 5%).

The AI would have different ways of dealing with its crises and the AI's decision to manage a crisis well or badly is totally random, although I consider that depending on the ideology or type of government, the AI has more or less priority to manage. each type of crisis.


The crisis levels are:

- Imminent: the first level of crisis, it does not notify you about it but it has no major repercussions, no immediate action or overreaction is required. By treating it correctly it will be automatically eliminated. it almost does not affect the gameplay


- Casual: The crisis will have notable but not significant effects, you can continue playing normally when entering this level of crisis but it is risky. Resolving this level of danger automatically eliminates the ongoing crisis. requires certain actions.


- Complex: it significantly affects the gameplay and requires immediate action. Complex crises can minorly affect other areas that are not entirely related to the type of crisis in progress. They can also affect countries dependent on you as vassals. has the least risk of causing small revolutions. Solving a complex crisis will turn it into a casual one, which will be eliminated when treated correctly. When a complex crisis lowers its crisis level, it will be at 90% of its danger bar.


- Severe: a massive crisis that affects all areas noticeably and its main area in an extremely significant way, this level of crisis must be dealt with with all resources at hand and can lead to large-scale civil wars. These crises can also significantly affect vassals and their desire of freedom, offering them more opportunities to become independent from their lord. Countries in severe crises will be more defenseless against other enemy civilizations, in the event that you share a border with a country whose relationship is quite low and you enter this type of crisis, there is a possibility that it will declare war on you, obviously the AI will to avoid declaring war when entering this type of crisis and may even offer non-aggression pacts or enter into alliances/defensive pacts in order to avoid entering into war. In a severe national crisis, the danger bar will still continue to rise, if the bar reaches 100%, you will enter a civil war with the second most popular ideology in your country (or an ideology contrary to the current government if it is not implemented a system similar to ideology popularity of HOI4).


- Overwhelming: Exclusive to international crises, they can include world wars or pandemics, overwhelming crises only begin when these conditions are met: it affects at least 5 civilizations, the danger bar is at its maximum and there is at least one world power included among them. the affected civilizations. The overwhelming crises will noticeably affect all areas of the affected countries (not as significantly as the severe crisis, obviously). This level will also have other effects depending on the type of international crisis that is in progress.


Crisis categories:

- National crises: Its name says it all, crises that affect a civilization individually. It can escalate to an international crisis depending on each one.

the subcategories of national crises are the next:


- Epidemic: the same as a pandemic but limited to the borders of a country. It is treated and begins just like a pandemic. It can become a pandemic as soon as it affects another civilization.


- Social Crisis: A crisis that affects areas of population growth, stability and happiness. At large levels it can cause coups d'état or civil wars, as well as rebellions that become increasingly stronger. Social crises usually occur within an ethnic, ideological, religious minority, etc. Social crises can still extend to the majority of the population if it is not treated in time or as it should.


- Economic crisis: This type of crisis affects the provinces' earning of money and taxes and at the same time makes it difficult for the provinces to maintain themselves. At high levels it can cause an economic collapse in the country, and if you are an economic power it can evolve into an economic depression (international crisis), in addition to that, it can generate high-level social crises and revolutions, coups d'état and negative profit of gold.


- Political crisis: affects the political area and influences areas of corruption, maintenance of politicians, their buffos, technological gain and negatively affects the influence over vassals. At large levels it can significantly affect corruption, cause other social and economic crises, coup d'état and serious problems of maintaining the army and administration of provinces.



- International crises: crises that affect two or more countries at the same time, global organizations can intervene in them and global powers can too. International crises will always begin from a national crisis that affects several countries. This type of crisis always begins as casual, not as imminent, it can only begin as imminent when it is still a national crisis that affects multiple civilizations.

the subcategories of international crises are:


- Pandemics: no need to explain. I don't know exactly how it will be treated in AoC3 since this type is already going to be included by default. It starts as an epidemic, it is considered a pandemic as soon as it affects another country.


- Social spring: a crisis based on the Arab Spring, affecting multiple countries that have some significant characteristic in common (such as ethnicity, governing ideology or religion). It can cause multiple civil wars or coups at once and can activate government change or law reform events.


- Economic depression: basically an economic crisis that affects multiple countries that share a form of government or tax collection. could be born based on a severe economic crisis in a country that is an economic power.


- Organized uprising: not to be confused with social spring, because unlike this, the organized uprising is an organization that can be ethnic or religious and that seeks to CREATE A NEW COUNTRY. It begins as a social crisis in the future affected countries and can also begin when an uprising crisis succeeds in an important country in some area shared between several civilizations.


- Latent threat: This crisis idea is taken directly from Stellaris' "Nemesis" DLC, if you've played the DLC you'll know what I mean. This type of international crisis begins when there is a country whose actions go against a global organization or a group of countries and threatens the existence of these same civilizations. The crisis as such is the country that generates this international danger. This subcategory of crisis can also happen if a country has the potential to start a world war and generate tension between other civilizations.


- World War: There's not much need to explain what it is. It can begin when at least 2 alliances whose members include at least one global power and other 2 civilizations declare war on each other. It can also happen if at least 4 global powers go to war with each other. Either condition could mean a world war.


I hope someone can read even a little and like the idea. Anyone can comment on other types of crises that they want to contribute to this system.

That's all, bye 😄.

you are geniuses sir

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