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hurrah, new ck2 idea for AOH3 is just droped

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Anyone, in principle, can also propose an idea from this game and paint it, otherwise there will be no uniqueness.
I often see people writing "add a defensive pact" or "can we please organize a crusade", so this is some guidance for all those lazy people who don't write ideas until the end.

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4 minutes ago, Денис Живков said:

Anyone, in principle, can also propose an idea from this game and paint it, otherwise there will be no uniqueness.
I often see people writing "add a defensive pact" or "can we please organize a crusade", so this is some guidance for all those lazy people who don't write ideas until the end.

Management, so that they know and no longer torment the only Game Developer.

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Good ck2 implementation ideas in aoh3 as always, however other denominations of Christianity should be able to participate in them too as there are multiple times in history which this indeed happened. Take the crusade of Varna as an example. There Wallachia and to an extent Byzantium took part in it.

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What happens if a player decides not to join the crusade (If you can)? Will there be any penalties or anything that would impact the nation's population? Also, are there any benefits or drawbacks to participating in the crusade? I'm mostly interested in the technical details and how it affects the player's experience. But overall, I think it's a pretty cool idea.

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7 hours ago, Денис Живков said:

It's time to put on your armor and saddle your stallion, because the Vicar of Christ himself has declared that all who help drive out the infidels from the Holy Land will be granted absolution!

When the Pope decides that the time has come for a new Crusade, he asks all Catholics in the world for help. After this, you can get to the Command Window by clicking on the Crusade banner under your portrait.


In the Crusade Window (hereinafter referred to as the CP) you can access a bunch of useful information, as well as take actions that will help the Crusade or change its course. You'll be able to see the recipient the Pope suggests (if there is one) in the top left corner, and the target character and title in the top right. There will also be a timer counting down until the start of the war. Until this point, you can do the following:

  • Catholic rulers can give military support to the CP. When they do this, they appear in the list of participants. At the expense of each participant, prestige, piety and artifacts in the Military Fund grow. The target religion can do the same, with the relative strength of both sides shown under their portraits as "Common Strength". Participating rulers will be automatically drafted into war.
  • All Catholics can donate money to the CP in exchange for piety and a plus for their relationship with the Pope.
  • Crusaders giving military support can add a beneficiary. This character must belong to the participant's dynasty, and if the CP is successful, they can receive a title in new lands depending on your contribution.
  • Players can change the target character/title for piety. The price is relatively low at first, but it doubles each time to avoid spam. This means that if you are pious enough and want to get rid of the terrible state of infidels on your border, then you can do it!

If the Crusade is successful, the outcome depends on the position of who made the greatest contribution. There are three positions: “Selfish”, “For my beneficiary” and “Agreement with the Pope’s demands”. The AI will always choose the latter.

  • With a selfish position, the most active participant takes all the lands for himself. However, this completely deprives them of the opportunity to benefit from the wealth of the war fund, and the Pope considers this an impious act.
  • In the second case, your beneficiary will become the king/queen of the captured lands. Dad still doesn't approve, but he doesn't think it's impious, and you can participate (partially) in sharing the fund. If the Pope does not choose who should receive the title, this is considered the default position and carries no penalty.
  • The last position simply gives the kingdom to whoever the Pope wants to see in this place. If he has no opinion on this matter, the kingdom goes to the person who made the largest contribution.

In the old system, the title and everything along with it went to the winner of the KP. You would often see France or the HRE owning Jerusalem for example, which was honestly quite boring and often resulted in hereditary turmoil. While the player may still act in the old way by choosing a selfish stance, the new default behavior is completely different. If the Pope does not want to restore an existing king or pretender to the throne (in which case the old behavior will be used), then the Crusader Kingdom will appear:


The Crusader Kingdom is a multicultural kingdom created from the beneficiaries of all members. The beneficiaries of the most active participants will receive the highest titles in the  image.png.64285aa36890047c8d20dc1e59e5e0b0.pngkingdom. To prevent the player from using the system through inheritance, the Kingdom will always have a ban on external inheritance, and the AI will try to select beneficiaries who are not inheriting something or are not married to someone who can inherit.

If your beneficiary received lands in the Crusader Kingdom, your entire dynasty will receive a monthly piety bonus until their death.

The new ruler of the Crusader State, in order to properly rule such difficult lands, receives the trait “Crusader King/Queen”, which gives a large bonus to relations with representatives of the same religion and other benefits.

And finally, if your beneficiary has become a king/queen, you can switch to them, leaving your old character and taking control of the ruler of the new Crusader Kingdom (this is one of the reasons why you can only choose members of your dynasty as beneficiaries). We believe this will give you the quintessential experience of being able to both handle unruly vassals and defend against vengeful religious enemies!


@Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac

@Avinetta @BySpringBonnie76

@Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13

@IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388@Alexey Navalny,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia,   @Outlawexperience@GalacticCakes,   @Matvey,  @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30,   @Barbaris,  @Rodak Polak@wafflestein8@Yahya   @wbladew5,  @Mihael1@Warnnexx,  @Free City of Łódź what do you thinks about my idea?


@Łukasz Jakowski

This idea of the Crusades is cool


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16 hours ago, Денис Живков said:

As I noticed, people look into Lukash’s topics more often than into user ones (not related to mods), regardless of how the post is formatted

Yes. This because it's not forum, it's personal Łukasz page with opportunity to write some good words for him.

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