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Age of History 3

Europe AoC1 | Now on Android

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AoC Europe now in AoC2!

1) This map have 7 scenarios:
1. Modern World
2. Cold War
3. Doomsday 1945
2) Some scenarios have events
3) Map have 2 translation in events: English and Russian
4) 387 provinces
5) Formable civilizations

All instruction of installation located in archive
Download for PC version: https://mega.nz/#!CnhUBC6J!kTJrU2jf6NK_D5t2GQ-PAiT_b3sWj1h6z7ktAIyx5b8

Download for Android version: https://mega.nz/#!LnQHjQID!MkqsEY4DN5A1DTsXoPU-AvxJ98JYql5deYVNNLcQKVM


1) Эта карта имеет 7 сценариев:
1. Modern World
2. Cold War
3. Doomsday 1945
2) Некоторые сценарии имеют ивенты
3) Карта имеет 2 перевода для ивентов: Англиский и Русский
4) 387 провинцей
5) Формирующие цивилизации

Все инструкции по установке находятся в архиве
Скачать для ПК версии: https://mega.nz/#!CnhUBC6J!kTJrU2jf6NK_D5t2GQ-PAiT_b3sWj1h6z7ktAIyx5b8

Скачать для Андроид версии: https://mega.nz/#!LnQHjQID!MkqsEY4DN5A1DTsXoPU-AvxJ98JYql5deYVNNLcQKVM



Edited by Cl0ck
Added Android version

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On 10.02.2019 at 15:45, memososisi said:

Тааак хорошо. 

Скачать для Android: 


This particular geographical map does not work, but others yes, please make the port of this map (preferably without original geographical maps)

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On 2/11/2019 at 5:46 PM, RuslanKofeev said:

This particular geographical map does not work, but others yes, please make the port of this map (preferably without original geographical maps)

I changed some codes for Android. So It worked.

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