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19 minutes ago, SmearierMoon19 said:

KMOD Engine Released:

-Religions Added.(Not form of government! "Real")

-The castle can go up to 10 levels.

-Realistic Capitulation System

-Factory Added.

-Library can now level up by 5 levels.

-Farm can now level up by 10 levels.

-Removed the "required tech level nonsense" when building a library.

-And Much More!

The only problem is that it is Turkish. If there is a lot of interest, I will add English and other languages immediately 🙂

PC: Download Link

Android: Veryyyyy soon



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1 minute ago, SmearierMoon19 said:


no fucking way you actually added this, lets gooo

also what do religion change in the game, maybe they make relations between countries better/worse, maybe other thing?

Edited by Comrade_Parrot

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Just now, uwut said:

just a garbage

religions isnt religions at all

changing your religion ☠ im christian now and tomorrow im muslim

you cant see your religion in diplomacy tab

and religions just gives buffs and do not do anything like economic buffs it isnt religion at all its like economic politics named as religions 

i just see this as a scam

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2 minutes ago, uwut said:

religions isnt religions at all

changing your religion ☠ im christian now and tomorrow im muslim

you cant see your religion in diplomacy tab

and religions just gives buffs and do not do anything like economic buffs it isnt religion at all its like economic politics named as religions 

i just see this as a scam

also ai cant use this stupid isnt working religion change system so its a system like a menu special to player and gives buffs and buttons named religion names 

Edited by uwut

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49 minutes ago, Xjento said:

just because you made uwut engine(which the usefull mechanics are stolen) doesn't mean you can just be straight up a menance to other coders

useful mechanichs are stolen?


uwut engine has his unique features laws force plan economic politics resources and more

some features are "ported" from other mods and not stoled totally diffrent things theres credit section and its top on download links so you %90 see the credits before downloading

and im supporting the other codes expect mans that saying ""i made religion" and its scam like i explained in other posts i even can make this too easy scam religion "menu"  but i dont like to scam peoble

thats my last post about that topic i already explained the scam no need to discuss more about this scam named kmod, lastly calling a fake religion menu to engine? scam should be named into fake religions engine.

Edited by uwut

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22 minutes ago, uwut said:

useful mechanichs are stolen?


uwut engine has his unique features laws force plan economic politics resources and more

some features are "ported" from other mods and not stoled totally diffrent things theres credit section and its top on download links so you %90 see the credits before downloading

and im supporting the other codes expect mans that saying ""i made religion" and its scam like i explained in other posts i even can make this too easy scam religion "menu"  but i dont like to scam peoble

Weird reason to ban my from your server. Low temper ig

The mechanics you just mentioned aren't really needed.

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This looks really good. Could we get english translation to make this more popular and piss off that uwut guy even more? I just wanted to play this mod, but after witnessing this convo, I had to create an account to give a f-u to uwut lol, dude is extremly toxic about this. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (my fav game), nearly all modders work together taking bits from everyone else, sharing stuff, creating and advancing mods together to the point it's an unrecognizable game, meanwhile uwut is turning this into some toxic birocratic competition 💀

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