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Age of History 3
Kerem Yılmaz

Centuries Mod (B.C 100 - 2000) by AoC2ModdingTR

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Centuries Mod (B.C 100 - 2000) by AoC2ModdingTR

Hello, everyone. I Kerem The Founder Of AoC2ModdingTR. Today, I started to prepare a new mode, and I've already finished a few scenarios. My mode is called "Centuries Mode". Why did I call it that? Because this mode will contain every century's scenario. Scenarios of the beginnings of all centuries from B.C100 to 2000 will be in this mode. Scenarios to be found in this mode:

1) B.C 100 Year Scenario
2) 0 Year Scenario
3) 100 Year Scenario
4) 200 Year Scenario
5) 300 Year Scenario
6) 400 Year Scenario
7) 500 Year Scenario
😎 600 Year Scenario
9) 700 Year Scenario
10) 800 Year Scenario
11) 900 Year Scenario
12) 1000 Year Scenario
13) 1100 Year Scenario
14) 1200 Year Scenario
15) 1300 Year Scenario
16) 1400 Year Scenario
17) 1500 Year Scenario
18) 1600 Year Scenario
19) 1700 Year Scenario
20) 1800 Year Scenario
21) 1900 Year Scenario
22) 2000 Year Scenario

All of these scenarios will be in "Centuries Mode". 
I'll also do UI, map background and new icons. 

The Mod, most likely, ends by mid-February.

Aoc2ModdingTR YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVov6An3mEzP17tLGcZl6g

Aoc2ModdingTR Donate Site: https://www.bynogame.com/destekle/AoC2ModdingTR

Centuries Mod

Edited by Kerems2434

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