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Cuando lo reanudaras? 😞
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Present Day Development News
LAUELCOMMIE☭ replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
F of: murica Fuck yeah :v -
Present Day Development News
LAUELCOMMIE☭ replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
F -
Present Day Development News
Federation of Arizona replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
f -
Federation of Arizona joined the club
Unitarist joined the club
LAUELCOMMIE☭ joined the club
princedemchugdongrub joined the club
Des joined the club
Irish empire joined the club
WorkPlease joined the club
RyanOrleansII joined the club
hamhacker_exe joined the club
Adrian123 joined the club
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One Fan Of This Game joined the club
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How the setup this mod?
I was a bit dramatic kek, I'm just going to halt development for now.
Now the new update was lost, because I forgot to edit "Age_of_Civilizations" text file. Press F to pay respects. Development is halted for now.
2019-01-29: I'm uploading the mod. Features that are going to be added: Improved terrain Added realistic growth rates Removed NATO and CSTO, because they were overpowered 2 new scenarios (USA and Brazil) More cities Removed some cities because they were making the province have the wrong capital 4 new songs New leaders for Brazil and USA "Regions" is now "States" and "Continents" is now "Regions" Added states for USA and Brazil Removed bugged syrian rebels. @YuraTheGreat Check it out. Updated README.txt Added a new custom nation Added Venezuelan Civil War
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
setapdede replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
Chexier replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
NEWS: I'm working on a new update. Also, Present Day defeated Modern Day + ! Proof: http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/topic/1745-war-record-keeping/?do=findComment&comment=10987 -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
YuraTheGreat replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
on android scenario is copying after saving, this is why I can not delete civilization. But k, i still wait update. -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
Chexier replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
Not now, It will take a while. If you want to delete the rebels just use the scenario editor and delete the civilization. -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
YuraTheGreat replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
k. When update with delete "glitch-rebels"? -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
Chexier replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
Just so people know the history of this mod, lol. It was also inspired by Shiite. -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
YuraTheGreat replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
why know conflicts -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
Chexier replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
? -
List of conflicts caused by Present Day
YuraTheGreat replied to Chexier's topic in Antarctica's Present Day Mod
why -
Modern Day + vs. Present Day Participants: @Chexier and @Evidential Start Date: January 19, 2019 End Date: January 27, 2019 Days of Fighting: January 19 - January 20 Cause: Chexier copied the idea of having real armies divided by 50 in the scenario. Agressor: Evidential Defender: Chexier State of the War: Won by Chexier. Proof: http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/topic/1745-war-record-keeping/?do=findComment&comment=10987 11:59 vs. Present Day Participants: @Chexier and @Vis Tacitus Start Date: January 24, 2019 End Date: Ongoing Days of Fighting: January 24 - January 27 Cause: Chexier copied some files of 11:59, and included them in Present Day. Agressor: Vis Tacitus Defender: Chexier State of the War: 25% Warscore to Chexier Inspired by @Shiite
*Kali Man Sam is the best beylik
Welcome to the Eternal Winter, my friend.
it's cold here huh?