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Age of History 3
Russian Empire

Great Italy (After WW2)

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The script depicts Italy with the largest possible borders that it could have after the Axis victory in WW2

- Almost the entire Mediterranean coast is under Italian control
- Puppets of Italy - Serbia, Iraq, Yemen, Oman
- Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and South Yemen under Italian control

German Reich
- Vichy France, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Turkestan under German control.
- Togo, Tanzania and Cameroon under German control
- Ascension Island, Saint Helena and some Caribbean islands that were under British control

- The entire northern territory of the European part of Russia (Great Finland)

- Most of the Portuguese colonies
- Puppets: Portugal
- French Morocco

Japan Empire:
- Indochina
- Puppets: Fascist China, Philippines
- Malaysia and Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)
- Russian Southeastern Territories

Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe controlled by South Africa
Nigeria under the control of Vichy France
DR Congo and Zimbabwe with a fascist regime, independent.image.thumb.png.d2a95b06605f34f4585feff975db1b76.png

Warning! Level made in Addon+!
Problems with state ideologies are possible.


Edited by Russian Empire

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