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Age of History 3

Suggestions to consider

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Age of Civilization 2 is a great strategy game and with that there can be improvements to enhance the playing experience.

War Gameplay,

Let's start with the War aspect of the game.

This is basically a Numbers game when it comes to war, the bigger your army the more likely you would take over the smaller armies. Now I feel there should be some changes to make War more realistic.

1. Mobilising the army,

 A tool in which you can select certain provinces to build up a army. 

Say, if you selected 5 provinces with about 30000 population and you need a army of 15000. The tool would evenly or proportionately take units out of these provinces and you would also select where you want them to meet at. The tool should also say how long it would take it to mobilizes the army. 

2. War Tactics

 In war, just because you have a bigger army does not mean you have guaranteed victory. 

A.Territories should make a bigger differences in the outcome of battles.

Armies attacking Enemy armies in mountains or on hill's should suffer higher casualties. This would make provinces with mountains hard to take and if a castle built would be a challenge as well.

B. Entrapment

The moment a army is surround by all side should be debuffed or have a penality when in battle. This is needed when war is wage is a much larger scale. Armies that are entrapped are penalize and will suffer if they don't break out. Armies that are surrounding a entrapped army will gain a bonus in offensive attacks.

For example, you surrounded a army of 3500 with a army of 3000 but spread out. Your 3000 army would have the offensive bonus which would make your 3000 units turn into 4000 units.

The army of 3500 would be weakened to 3300 when trying to break out or 2900 if attacked by all sides.

This would allow a smaller armies to create higher casualties to invading armies.

Depending how big the army is will determine how long they can go with being entrapped. 

Say a 5000 army is entrapped in a 20000 population province they will run out of supplies in 2 turns. Any bigger army will only have 1 turn.

C. Flanking

Bonus to offensive army attack from 2 sides or more.

D. Quick retreat 

Allows your army to retreat from the front lines to a selected provinces this will cost less movement points but you will suffer penalties until your army finally retreated to the location you want them to be.

3. Army types,

This is something that would add a nice touch to the gameplay.

These army types can just be color oriented to make things simple.

A.Having Calvary units/ tanks (depending on the timeline)

The limit should be base off of new Buildings Such as Stables, and Factories.

They would take longer to mobilize but they do more damage base on the territories. Plains would give it a 50% bonus.

These armies would need time to build, the Stable building will provide horses over time and using that with population cost, so every Calvary unit it would cost 3 population and 1 horse.

Tanks would need a Factory which will build the tank and using 5 population for every 1 tank.

If combined with standard army it gives the army a bonus.

B. Navy units.

Warship/Battleships: They are restrict to the sea and cost money to upkeep it.

Would only be built with port in province (battleships would need factories also)

Cost about 10- 25 population. 

This would be great to allow Some naval battles in certain wars or allow nations to really defend their coasts. They would be in low quantity but they can devastate a army trying to invade.

C. Air force

Would need a Factory and a Runway.

Basically a port but in land. They would only support armies in battles. Would need more time to build but gives a great bonus to armies in defense and offense. 

For example, your army of 1500 invades a province of 2500 but with 500 airplanes will cost your army as 3000. 

If you are defending a province these units will give your defending army a bonus to to cause more casualties. 

They would be mainly for supporting of armies not replacing it.

4. Infrastructure 

Roads/ railroads.

These would be a great addition to the gameplay. These would improve developing and the economy of the provinces. Army movement would be cost less. This would make the player choose where the roads will go and such allowing for better strategic location in defense.

Having all your railroad and roads lead to your capital may be your strength and your biggest weakness because it would mean the invading army only needs to take your capital to ensure victory.

5. Use army for assimilating

After a war there should be a tool to use your army to cover the newly conquered lands to control it and keep the peace.

My guess in cost would be movement points and money.


So far this is what I can think of, thank you for your time



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On 1/3/2019 at 12:12 AM, EmpirePlanner145 said:

The moment a army is surround by all side should be debuffed or have a penality when in battle. This is needed when war is wage is a much larger scale. Armies that are entrapped are penalize and will suffer if they don't break out. Armies that are surrounding a entrapped army will gain a bonus in offensive attacks.

But there isn't already attrition? 

On 1/3/2019 at 12:12 AM, EmpirePlanner145 said:

After a war there should be a tool to use your army to cover the newly conquered lands to control it and keep the peace.


That's already added, sort of


Im all with Navy units, is very weird just having 1 type of army

But for air force i consider it not necessary for now,


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8 hours ago, Hiking1 said:

That's already added, sort of


Im all with Navy units, is very weird just having 1 type of army

But for air force i consider it not necessary for now,


Assimilating isn't cheap, but using the army that you wasted a good amount of money for could be used to do that. 

Think it as a way to guarantee the provinces with the army placed would be protected from rebels.

I build a army of 10000 before and had gained over 20 good provinces but it took 1-2 turns of my income just to assimilate fully a province. Having a tool that divides the army to the those new provinces would be cheaper.


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