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Age of History II - Deluxe (MOD IS BACK!)

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On 11/23/2023 at 3:38 AM, ItalianHistoricGuy said:

好的,我敢肯定,如果你完成它,这将是 Aoh2 的第二大模组(第一个是 TNO)

I think the second is the Iron Ambition mod, and the third is this mod .

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I have some suggestions for you : 

First, what do you think of adding a scenario in 2014, where some northern regions of Iraq and some regions of Syria will be in the hands of the terrorist organization ISIS, or you can add them as rebels, where they will be at war with all countries? He added more provinces to Iraq 

Secondly, adding the Iraq war with America and 32 other countries, I suggest adding it with the NATO scenario. 

Adding the scenario of the second Cold War that we are living in now, where NATO is against the alliance of Russia, China, Iran, India, and some socialist countries such as Vietnam and others. 

Adding scenarios and ancient states, such as the Seljuks against the Fatimid state, the Khwarezmians, and the Lamayad state against the Byzantines, Persia, and other states and scenarios that are not present in the game. 


Sorry if my suggestions are many and the language is bad 😅😅

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1 hour ago, Laropin said:

It's a great day to lose the USB i keep the game in, i should find it this friday.



Why modders always lose their USBs, files while rebooting Windows, break their PC etc? I don't understand, I mean I should try hard to even lose my house keys, I keep my thing in safe places everytime. If you post smth like "i lost my mod and i can't finish it so i start making a new one it will be better believe me" and dissapear, I won't be surprised. And yeah, happy birthday

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2 hours ago, andekey said:

Why modders always lose their USBs, files while rebooting Windows, break their PC etc? I don't understand, I mean I should try hard to even lose my house keys, I keep my thing in safe places everytime. If you post smth like "i lost my mod and i can't finish it so i start making a new one it will be better believe me" and dissapear, I won't be surprised. And yeah, happy birthday

Dw, i have many backups in my computer just in case.

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On 10/18/2023 at 7:38 PM, Laropin said:


Work in Progress

Download: Nope! Just wait longer!

Current mod version: 0.1.3-DEC23


Age of History II - Deluxe is a mod that aims to improve the aspects of the game basing itself through Community suggestions and own Ideas from myself.

I plan to add a lot of things to make this game feel "Deluxe"


What will be in AOH II Deluxe?
-Scenarios (A LOT) from 1900-2100

-Many Leaders

-More Music

-A lot of new nations (historicals)


-Better and more realistic Scenarios (some with events!)

-Some new governments

(The original AoC2 scenarios will not be edited, there will only be extra remasters and different versions of those!)

exception. Adding new provinces that represent nations not included in the modern world will be included though, in the same way as they were added for the modern world scenario.

Ex. If I add Martinique province (i already did by the way) in the modern world scenario it will be added as martinique and not a province owned by france, rather as an Independent Country, because thats how it works in regular Vanilla Modern World


PLEASE SUGGEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!! 


When you are done may I use your map please? It seems nice but not too big with good borders. I will of course credit you.

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Military suggestions Suggestion:

What if you can separate the army in to tanks, infantry, artillery etc.

Add Navy

Add Airforce

Add Nukes (It will take a lot of resources to get one)

Formable/Nations Ideas:

Union of Sovereign States (sov)

Warsaw Pact (wrsp_c)

Franco-British Union (fra-bri)

British Empire (Brie)

Napoleonic Empire (fran)

Every Rebellious state in the URR/RR (if u did add it)

Karelia (Nordic)


Improvement Ideas:

Separate the Soviet Union from Russia and make its own entity (sov_c) and then replace the current communist Russia with the Russian Federative Socialist Republic (R.F.S.R ) using a flag something like this (could be different) image.thumb.png.8280f6de9d3ed56ea49a52fcba7dbfdf.png

also you would have to replace every scenario the USSR is in because it would be the RFSR same with leaders you would have to switch Stalin from rus_c to sov_c

Make an own entity for every soviet state using the flags they had in the Soviet Union and make the current flags for them a different one from their Soviet counterpart 

Improve the Courland borders

Scenario Ideas:

Spanish Civil War

1936 China


A world where Germany won WW2

A world where the USSR won the Cold War

Korean Civil War

Vietnam Civil War

Ideology Ideas:

Terrorism (isis would become isis_t and isis would be Iraq-Syria)




(If this is a crap ton of ideas add them in a later update)

Edited by TheEyeSpyer
Improvement and Expansion

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17 hours ago, SerenDippTheGreat said:

When you are done may I use your map please? It seems nice but not too big with good borders. I will of course credit you.

Had to send the same thing like 3 times!!!!! DAMN YOU FORUM!!!


As i said, this mod is not being finished anytime soon if i have a goal to defeat Addon+.

Therefore, i'll give you the backgrounds that are being used for now. It's not exactly what you asked for but just for now...


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What type of music should i add into the game?

vote between these points of views!


  • This is just Age of History, it would not live up to larger games like HOI or others, Just keep the Casual Kevin Macleod music 


  • I love Grand Strategy games, Kevin's music does not fit AOH2, therefore i would like there to be music from other grand strategy games (like hoi4 and others) so it can feel like a true Grand Strategy.

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7 hours ago, Laropin said:




  • 这只是历史时代,它不会辜负像 HOI 或其他大型游戏,只需保留休闲凯文麦克劳德音乐即可


  • 我喜欢大战略游戏,凯文的音乐不适合AOH2,因此我希望有其他大战略游戏(如hoi4等)的音乐,这样它就可以感觉像一个真正的大战略游戏。



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11 hours ago, Laropin said:

What type of music should i add into the game?

vote between these points of views!


  • This is just Age of History, it would not live up to larger games like HOI or others, Just keep the Casual Kevin Macleod music 


  • I love Grand Strategy games, Kevin's music does not fit AOH2, therefore i would like there to be music from other grand strategy games (like hoi4 and others) so it can feel like a true Grand Strategy.


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17 hours ago, Laropin said:

What type of music should i add into the game?

vote between these points of views!


  • This is just Age of History, it would not live up to larger games like HOI or others, Just keep the Casual Kevin Macleod music 


  • I love Grand Strategy games, Kevin's music does not fit AOH2, therefore i would like there to be music from other grand strategy games (like hoi4 and others) so it can feel like a true Grand Strategy.

A and B

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