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Age of History 3

Simple Ideologies mod- New 11 ideologies!

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New ideologies:



Social Liberalism

Liberal Conservatism


Absolute Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy

Military Dictatorship

Socialist Dictatorship

Democratic Socialism

Social Democracy


simple ideologies mod.rar

instructions inside the rar

Please tell me if my mod have errors

sorry for my bad english

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Aff velho como é que você consegue adicionar essas ideologias?! Eu me matava de editar e quando eu ia jogar o jogo fechava!Damn how do you can add this ideologies?!I killed myself to edit and when i started to play the game crashed!

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On 1/20/2021 at 5:12 PM, rafinha_2007 said:

New ideologies:



Social Liberalism

Liberal Conservatism


Absolute Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy

Military Dictatorship

Socialist Dictatorship

Democratic Socialism

Social Democracy


simple ideologies mod.rar 3.21 kB · 30 downloads

instructions inside the rar

Please tell me if my mod have errors

sorry for my bad english

o que seria "minarquismo"?

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sucumba rafinha_2007, pereça, sorry for my bad english é o caraio fdp EU QUERO SABE QUEM É QUE TRANSA NESSA POHA uiui me desculpa pelo meu ingreis vai te toma no cu rapá xispa da minha residencia rafinha_2007.


(por favor não leve isso a sério, eu juro que isso é uma piada)

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On 7/12/2022 at 9:31 PM, Canadaball2022 said:

wtf? why doesn't this mod work?

You need to find Governments text file. Then copy all text inside. Then go to AoH2's files then go to game file and scroll down, you will find Governments file. Open it. Then press CTRL + a, then CTRL + v. I hope it helps

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