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Age of History 3

My idea for Age of History 3 or perhaps someone can make it into mod :v

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So, this is just my game idea for next AoH. I just think it would be very cool (I guess)


1. Terrain

Terrain still looks the same but with more reasonable modifier and more biome

2. Type of settlement

Soooo, all territory in map have some kind of indicator to show and manage number of population (Maybe they can put in the upper of building tab) and growth rate still exist only to help the growth not measure number of pop. It can be upgrade with gold or maybe with time (i meant upgrade it with gold then it need about 200 or less turn to finish?) or idk :v

- Colony or idk (After colonized territory and only can build farm)

- Village (Small population, can only build several building, cant recruit army unless you are rebel)

- Town (Larger population than village and can build some important building)

- City (More population and economy grow very fast, can build any improvement)

- Megalopolis (Some building and improvement need this upgrade)

3. Building and improvement

- Airport (Use to send troops anywhere or with limit range. Lvl 1 only can send 50 troops inside country, lvl 2 can send 100 troops inside country, lvl 3 can send 250 troops anywhere if have military access or at war and need Megalopolis)

- Dock (Same dock but can be use to see any foreign troops in nearby sea also have new naval troop mechanism. Lvl 1 can send 500 troops, lvl 2 can send 2000 troops, lvl 3 can send 5000 troops and need Megalopolis. I just though it will be cool rather than have 100k troops invasion after 2 turn declare war or we need more time to do naval invasion)

-  Military base (Army maint modifier and use to watch for incoming air invasion)

- Some more improvement like infastructure (Add more movement point maybe?) or hospital (Growth rate or maybe decrease death rate?)

4. Recruitment system

You can recruit very limited troop anywhere (even conquered territory but need more money) and you need build military base to increase the limit idk sound cool and challenging.

5. More diplomacy option

Maybe like democracy country cant declare war unless other allies or friend under attack, espionage system to change another country ideology or maybe even add new system like fog of war but everything (Pop, eco, not terrain) and can only be revealed by espionage idk

6. Vassal system like Hearts of Iron game maybe?

7. Roman senate or UN mechanic. I would love to see that

8. Nuclear and chemical warfare

Instead of getting random plague how about make one to specific country (and maybe new option to quarantine a territory with growth rate disabled and the chance disease spread decreased) and nuclear warfare. So you need to build nuclear plant (maybe only can build in N/A technology point) then have ability to build nuclear weapon in airport section. So with this maybe you can attack some place, decreased pop and eco or just turn it into wasteland (but this kinda op)

Thats all my idea for new AoH game. I love this game and really want new one but better

Sorry for my bad English lol :v

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Amazing ideas 

But the thing is moders are so limited with what they can do and the game code by lukasz is just...

So to add those things changes musy be done by lukas to the code and maybe he can do update(thats not gonna hapen) but hopefuly he surprises us and do something usefu for the game for once 

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2 hours ago, Lelbeeeee said:

Amazing ideas 

But the thing is moders are so limited with what they can do and the game code by lukasz is just...

So to add those things changes musy be done by lukas to the code and maybe he can do update(thats not gonna hapen) but hopefuly he surprises us and do something usefu for the game for once 

You'd be surprised at what modders (and me too!) are doing right now to navigate through the spaghetti code and add new features to the game. We'll likely see development of an Unofficial Patch that'll add a lot of features and fix many of the bugs soon.

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