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Time of scenario is the 1st of January 1933

If you will see "!☆...☆!" It is mean the word "new"

I want to introduce you to my scenario "Germanyreich". This scenario is somewhat similar to Fuhrerreich and Kaiserreich. 

Changes:В Европе: Германия победила Антанту, но в то же время потеряла свои колонии в Африке, Океании и Азии, но является великой европейской страной, потому что она имеет большое влияние в Европе. В СССР идет гражданская война. Украина отделена от СССР в результате захвата территорий поляками. В Великобританию приезжает партия технократов. Во Франции раскол происходит там, где республиканцы правят в Европе и части острова Корсика, а технократы правят в бывших французских колониях (Африка, Азия, Океания и Южная Америка).Австро-Венгрия распадается из-за смерти правителя и эрцгерцога Франца Фердинанда на три королевства: Австрийскую империю, Венгерское Королевство и Королевство Босния и Герцеговина. Болгария выигрывает и получает территории: Сербия, Греция, Румыния и Албания. Дания теряет все свои континентальные территории, но сохраняет колонии. Новое государство-это "Оденсе" (идеология - город-государство (Дания и Оденсе-марионетки Германии)). Финляндия получает часть территории Республики Карелия и Мурманской области (регионы России). The Baltic states are divided into: The Independent Part (Livonia) and the German Puppet (Teutonic Order). The Ottoman Empire avoids collapse and gets all the islands of Greece in the Aegean. !☆ The northern region of Romania (or the Republic of Moldova) becomes independent (perhaps it will be the Vasaal of Germany (ideology - the monarchy)).  In Italy, there is a civil war (Monarchists versus Communists).  The Austrian Empire included the territories of the 19th century (the territories belong to modern Italy) ☆!.

In Asia: the Ottoman Empire receives the territory of Egypt (the right-bank territories of the Nile), Kuwait. Iraq as a state does not exist, and part of the territories is taken from Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Ottoman Empire also takes the Russian coast of the Black and partially the Sea of Azov. The puppet state of Crimea is being created (ideology is the horde). In British India, there was a civil war over which a new state, "India" (ideology - fascism), appears. In China, there is a collapse and part of Japan. Mongolia and Tanu-Tuva come under the control of the Russian Empire (another revolutionary government). Manzhou-go and Inner Mongolia (forgot the name) become the state of the "Empire of Qin" (puppet of Japan). All German-Asian territories are part of Japan.

In Africa: Territories do not change except: The state of DR Congo (ideology - communism) and the Republic of South Africa (becomes completely independent of Great Britain. Ideology - Nazism) appears.

In N. America: Canada is completely independent of the United Kingdom. (Ideology - Nazism). Depression is taking place in the USA and soon a new Civil War will begin. Also losing some territory. In Mexico, ideology (communism) is changing and territories (new territories from Guatemala) are being lost. A new state appears with the ideology of the "horde" (state is the Republic of Pirates). This state has territories: the USA, Mexico, Great Britain, France, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama (in other words: the western coast of the Caribbean Sea, part of the islands of Cuba and Haiti, island colonies of Great Britain and France (to Bermuda in the north and coast of S. America in the south)).


!☆ In S. America: Civil war takes place in Argentina (Republicans vs. Fascists) ☆!.

Will be added: new states, events, new leaders and balance editing.

About the Russian Civil War: If one state from the revolutionary parties wins or a white peace is concluded between all, then each of the revolutionary parties joins its alliance (it will be added soon)

Sorry for my mistakes, because I'm Russian and badly know English.

You can write me, if you want download this scenario and you can write your rate it



Edited by Oreshek:3

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