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Age of History 3

Age of Separatists

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Age of separatists

394 countries available to play.
The scenario that adds the separatist movement. We can say the scenario for the world revolution. The scenario is in no way connected with any real events, some fictional regions (like Weishnoria) were added, for balance of the big countries were added and just regions of the countries (that there was no such that Russia or China will take the world in 10 moves).

English version:
(In this version there may be some untranslated country, if found, please write)

Russian version (with new music): https://yadi.sk/d/30NopJg6dIOuvQ (64 MB) 

-the contents of the archive in C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\age of civilizations second



Edited by Galantegio

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8 hours ago, ($Jake$) said:

I actually did a similiar thing but nowhere near to scale as you did. My scenario had around 270 civs and was fairly balanced with them, having logical reasons and lore behind why every place left. I guess this is cool for people that like to form countries and play around the borders a lot.

Yes, there was a plan to make a large number of countries (the scenario is made according to my favorite modification of the first part). Throw off your scenario, please, I want to see

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On 12/28/2018 at 12:34 PM, Galantegio said:

Yes, there was a plan to make a large number of countries (the scenario is made according to my favorite modification of the first part). Throw off your scenario, please, I want to see

Unfortunately I won't be able to now as my graphics card died and AoCII will not agree to run without it but luckily I managed to have a file on my PC that looks close enough to it 🙂

May 2022.png

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On 1/3/2019 at 12:51 PM, Pailo said:

Perfect scenario.


There is no name for a country that is in the South of Belgium. Spain seems to have the wrong borders, if I'm not mistaken.

I just edited that as Wallonia, since if Belgium were to split it would be between the Flemish and the Walloons. 

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