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How to add your own ideology?

Age of civilizations 2 / game / Governments.json

Copy the existing ideology and change it for yourself
1.00 - +0%
1.x - +x%
0.x - -x%

			Name: "Paternalism", // Name of a ideology
			Extra_Tag: "p", // Tag
			GOV_GROUP_ID: 1, // Relationship group
			ACCEPTABLE_TAXATION: 0.01, // The higher the value, the more taxes can be raised
			MIN_GOODS: 0.50, // population growth
			MIN_INVESTMENTS: 0.30, // The higher, the more money is needed for economic growth
			RESEARCH_COST: 1.05, // Cost of research
			INCOME_TAXATION: 0.98, // Tax bonus
			INCOME_PRODUCTION: 1.0, // Production bonus
			MILITARY_UPKEEP: 0.40, // Military upkeep bonus
			ADMINISTRATION_COST: 1.50, // Administration cost
			ADMINISTRATION_COST_CAPITAL: 0.4, // This is either the cost of moving the capital, or the cost of managing the capital
			COST_OF_MOVE: 8, // Cost of move in a non-national province
			COST_OF_MOVE_OWN_PROV: 4, // Cost of move in a national province
			COST_OF_RECRUIT: 16, // The cost of recruit a one soldier
			COST_OF_DISBAND: 18, // The cost of disband a one soldier
			COST_OF_PLUNDER: 6, // 
			DEFENSE_BONUS: 3, // Defence bonus
			CAN_BECOME_CIVILIZED: -1, // Can civ become civilized?
			AVAILABLE_SINCE_AGE_ID: 6, // The list of ages is in the file Ages.json
			REVOLUTIONARY: false, // Parameter for the rebels
			AI_TYPE: "COMMUNISM", // Type of AI
			R: 131, // Red (RGB color)
			G: 139, // Green (RGB color)
			B: 131 // Blue (RGB color)

Here are my own ideologies, you can use them for your scenarios, or based on them to make your ideologies
P.S Sorry for my English)Age of Ideologies[1.35].rar

Edited by Noron

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12 hours ago, Noron said:

How to add your own ideology?

Age of civilizations 2 / game / Governments.json

Copy the existing ideology and change it for yourself
1.00 - +0%
1.x - +x%
0.x - -x%

			Name: "Paternalism", // Name of a ideology
			Extra_Tag: "p", // Tag
			GOV_GROUP_ID: 1, // Relationship group
			ACCEPTABLE_TAXATION: 0.01, // The higher the value, the more taxes can be raised
			MIN_GOODS: 0.50, // population growth
			MIN_INVESTMENTS: 0.30, // The higher, the more money is needed for economic growth
			RESEARCH_COST: 1.05, // Cost of research
			INCOME_TAXATION: 0.98, // Tax bonus
			INCOME_PRODUCTION: 1.0, // Production bonus
			MILITARY_UPKEEP: 0.40, // Military upkeep bonus
			ADMINISTRATION_COST: 1.50, // Administration cost
			ADMINISTRATION_COST_CAPITAL: 0.4, // This is either the cost of moving the capital, or the cost of managing the capital
			COST_OF_MOVE: 8, // Cost of move in a non-national province
			COST_OF_MOVE_OWN_PROV: 4, // Cost of move in a national province
			COST_OF_RECRUIT: 16, // The cost of recruit a one soldier
			COST_OF_DISBAND: 18, // The cost of disband a one soldier
			COST_OF_PLUNDER: 6, // 
			DEFENSE_BONUS: 3, // Defence bonus
			CAN_BECOME_CIVILIZED: -1, // Can civ become civilized?
			AVAILABLE_SINCE_AGE_ID: 6, // The list of ages is in the file Ages.json
			REVOLUTIONARY: false, // Parameter for the rebels
			AI_TYPE: "COMMUNISM", // Type of AI
			R: 131, // Red (RGB color)
			G: 139, // Green (RGB color)
			B: 131 // Blue (RGB color)

Here are my own ideologies, you can use them for your scenarios, or based on them to make your ideologies
P.S Sorry for my English)Age of Ideologies[1.35].rar

So I was playing with your ideologies (which are nice) but the thing is, that after becoming civilized I got the Oligarchy government instead of Monarchy. Is there a way to change the ideology you get after civilizing? And another thing, some ideologies seem too OP in my opinion. Anyway, thanks for creating these ideologies, it adds a good depth 🙂

Edited by Tsar Satanus I.

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I also tried yesterday to create my own ideology with this method that you taught! the first ideology: liberalism, went well, then I created my own that would be a patriotic branch of the first but it went wrong and connected with the communist ...

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21 hours ago, Tsar Satanus I. said:

So I was playing with your ideologies (which are nice) but the thing is, that after becoming civilized I got the Oligarchy government instead of Monarchy. Is there a way to change the ideology you get after civilizing? And another thing, some ideologies seem too OP in my opinion. Anyway, thanks for creating these ideologies, it adds a good depth 🙂

Check new version


Edited by Noron

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18 hours ago, Tincho987 said:

I also tried yesterday to create my own ideology with this method that you taught! the first ideology: liberalism, went well, then I created my own that would be a patriotic branch of the first but it went wrong and connected with the communist ...


Change type of ai to another

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4 hours ago, CircassianKavkaz said:

Is there any way that I can make my ideology doesnt attacj only defend and doesnt declare wars?

Change the type o AI to the DEMOCRACY

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19 minutes ago, MonAx said:

Is it possible to change ideology icon?

Да. Чекни русскую версию этой статьи, там один чел расписал как это сделать

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On 12/29/2018 at 6:36 PM, Noron said:



I make government icons so be happy; P in total, you already have your ... ehh

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