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Norrvägen | Age of Civilizations 2 | Update is coming

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Not everyone likes satellite-style backgrounds, which will initially be in the Norrvägen, and, to be honest, even I got tired of it during the time that I was working on the mod. So I drew a new candidate for the Tretyakov gallery - an alternative map background in a minimalistic style. When installing the mod, you will be able to independently determine the background that you like.
Taking this opportunity, I say that I did come up with a name for the scenario with events, which begins in the middle of the IX century. To your attention is the Rage of Normans scenario with an alternative palette of colors of countries created specifically for the new background.
Working on this background and "accessories" to it was a small respite in the work on events. Tomorrow I will return to work on it, and in 2 weeks, I hope, it number will approach 150.



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A new, small feature that is informational in nature. Now each scenario will have a "Description" block instead of the "Author" block, which, accordingly, contains basic information about the scenario. It is useful for you to get you up to speed.


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Em 05/08/2020 às 18:46, Reich disse:

Norrvägen é a modificação dedicada a uma das partes mais interessantes do mundo em termos de história - a Escandinávia.

Norrvägen lhe dará a oportunidade de mergulhar na história da Escandinávia, sentir-se como um dos fundadores da Era Viking e governar qualquer estado existente na Escandinávia em diferentes épocas. Prevê-se a criação de pelo menos 20 cenários de diferentes escalas, seja o mapa inteiro, repleto de tribos e clãs, ou conflitos locais, temperados com eventos. Bem, algumas alternativas não fazem mal.

A principal característica do mod é um novo mapa, atualmente composto por 2.261 províncias. O modelo de mapa de província foi criado por mim pessoalmente, desenhado à mão com base em dados de várias fontes históricas e inclui uma divisão administrativa moderna e histórica bastante precisa.
Nas imagens abaixo, você pode ver que o mapa inclui não apenas a Escandinávia, mas também a Grã-Bretanha, as partes do norte da Rússia e Alemanha, bem como parte dos Estados Bálticos. Essas terras foram adicionadas pela historicidade. Por exemplo, a Inglaterra e a Báltica estão presentes porque os Vikings frequentemente organizavam campanhas na Inglaterra e nos Estados Bálticos, o que afetou seriamente a história desses povos.
Além do trabalho típico no mapa, vou criar uma trilha sonora atmosférica, interface temática e outros "acessórios" legais para o mod.

Algumas das outras inovações do mod:
- Código do jogo editado. Por exemplo, mudei o limite numérico de tropas para atacar uma província inimiga de 10 para 100 unidades de tropas, para excluir catch-up ( vídeo sobre este tópico ). Também aumentei o preço da criação de uma coalizão contra outro país em acordos comerciais. E (você ficará surpreso) novos edifícios, que estão em desenvolvimento agora (um dos novos edifícios de teste é definido nas imagens abaixo, você pode vê-lo );

- Nova IU;
- Editados e novos tipos de terreno errados;
- New Age - Viking Age no sistema de linha do tempo do jogo;
- Música atmosférica e sons editados;
- Alguns cenários com eventos;
- Novos líderes;
- Civilizações formáveis;
e mais ...

Neste momento, o mod está em desenvolvimento. Norrvägen será lançado no verão de 2020.



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Game code edited. For example, I changed the numerical limit of troops to attack an enemy province from 10 to 100 units of troops, to exclude catch-up.


 Hello Reich, can you tell me which file should I modify to change this code, thanks in advance.

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36 minutes ago, Reich said:

I am crying.

 @Łukasz Jakowski when will you already return to communication with your audience? Your great fans have a lot of questions. But you are keeping silent. Please, make a present for us in honor of coming birthday of game. Answer all the most important questions. In particular, what have provoked the rebranding of Age of Civilizations?


I doubt he will ever answer sadly, but yeah I wonder why he's doing that. The first one may have been due to copyright, but this one seems like due to "Age of Civ 2" sounding too bad comments.

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Reich, please can you tell me how to change the number of soldiers to attack a province

4 hours ago, Reich said:


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19 hours ago, Rudel364 said:

Game code edited. For example, I changed the numerical limit of troops to attack an enemy province from 10 to 100 units of troops, to exclude catch-up.


 Hello Reich, can you tell me which file should I modify to change this code, thanks in advance.

think about how I could make the scenarios more realistic, for example the first world war, if I changed that, it could make the war less moving. 

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On 11/3/2020 at 5:36 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I had to change the name.

wow didnt know you were actually able to speak. my god, if youre gonna let the game die, then tell us. i dont wanna wait a millenium just for a name change. either update and improve the game or admit that you let it die.

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On 11/2/2020 at 9:41 PM, Rudel364 said:

Game code edited. For example, I changed the numerical limit of troops to attack an enemy province from 10 to 100 units of troops, to exclude catch-up.


 Hello Reich, can you tell me which file should I modify to change this code, thanks in advance.

Please, tell us, Reich!

I need to know how to programm in Age of Civ... uh, I mean, Age of History!

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On 11/6/2020 at 11:50 AM, SnoubFoxy said:

Please, tell us, Reich!

I need to know how to programm in Age of Civ... uh, I mean, Age of History!

I can't tell you. It's unique feature of my mod and you think I will just give it to you?

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The number of events in scenario Rage of the Normanns has reached 100. Several interesting micro-plots have already been worked out, which can lead to a variety of consequences. The further I go, the deeper I dig into the history of Scandinavia and England in the period 850-872, the more ideas come to the stories, that is, branches of events. I can say that the scenario is 20% ready.

The mod should be released in February 2021. In the meantime, you can check the screenshots attached to the post, where you can see some insignificant events (Sorry, but for now only on Russian. Soon I will find a interpreter to help me in translation to English).







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Здравствуйте, я турок и немного знаю русский язык (я все еще учусь), я с нетерпением жду выхода этого мода и желаю вам дальнейших успехов. (Надеюсь, я правильно написал)

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