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Bloody Europe II | New update

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On 4/28/2021 at 3:07 PM, Trans-Amur said:

Bloody Europe II - it's a mod with a huge map of Europe.

In these mod is:

-Giant map of Europe (4434 provinces) + big map of Europe (2637 provinces) + large map of German Empire (937 provinces)

-Large count of scenarios from ancient times to alternative future

-New fonts and music

-Plenty of new civilizations, form civs and union

-You will see changes in the game code that will change the game significantly

Actual version - 1.1.8/1.1.7

What's added in version 1.1.8:


Update for Bloody Europe II - 1.1.8

• Vassals Changes:

- Vassals will now be less likely to declare war on other countries

- Making it harder to keep a vassal with more provinces

- Diminished effect of attitudes on vassals' desire for freedom mechanics

- Countries with more military/economic power will now have easier control over vassals


• Changes in the battle system:

- You can now summon more troops per call.

- You can now call up more collaborators from an occupied province.

- You can now summon more troops from an occupied ally's territory.

- Decreased economic losses during looting

- Population losses during looting increased

- Changes in technological attack

- Population losses during battles increased


• Changes in Peace Conference:

- Vassalization in peace conferences now costs less

- Reparations lengthened


• Alliance changes:

- Reduced the effect of the "Strength of Civilization" modifier for joining an alliance


• Economy:

- Global change to the tax system in the game/mod: Taxes ( as a separate mechanic in the country's balance sheet ) now bring in a very large amount of revenue.

- Reduced income from citizens

- Now there will be no restrictions when investing in provinces. Development will continue even after 1.0.

- Changed effects of buildings

- Now the level of provinces on the special map shows a more accurate figure

• Change of stability:


- Happiness now has a stronger effect on stability.

- Increased the maximum value of stability in the game

- Population now gives less of a stability buff

- Sickness now takes 20% of stability. Previously it was 35%.

- Stability for provinces is 20% instead of 25%.

- Armies in provinces now give 45% instead of 65%

- Now army spreads stability to other provinces by 25% instead of 18%

- Stability is now affected by buildings, each building is different, e.g. farm gives +3% to stability

• Formable nations:


- Added over 40 new formable nations

- Changes in some of the conditions for creating formable nations

• Forms of Government:


- Balance changes

- Added new flags and civilizations

• AI(Artificial Intelligence) changes:


- AI will now agree to peace talks if there is no fighting for 10 turns

- AIs are now more likely to form large alliances with each other

- Now the AI is better at leading armies

- AI can now better manage their country's economy

• Interface changes:


- The army in the capital is now displayed in black

- Added links to mod groups in the main menu

- Renewed icons for social networks and Aos groups in the main menu

- New boot menu design

- New loading color changed

- Added new interface elements, by adding new icons without replacing the old ones

• Scenario:


- Added a test scenario to test various mechanics

- Removed the "World War 6" scenario

- Fixed growth rates and economies in the "Modern World - Real Population" scenario

• Bug fixes:


- Partially fixed a visual bug with incorrect display of diplomacy points in the assimilation menu

- Fixed a visual bug with incorrect display of the sign for "Education" technology

- Fixed a visual bug, now 10000 coins are shown in the nation formation menu

• Miscellaneous:


- Now in the game start settings menu, you can set the relationship between countries to +250 (maximum in mod)

- Technology attack and defense bonuses now give 0.65% instead of 0.55%

- Time interval per turn will now be the same for all eras

- Localization Changes

- Changes in English localization

- Relationships with neighbors are now even worse with aggressive expansion

- Fixed some connections between provinces

- Changes in military fatigue

- Fixed errors in regions on the map

- Weakened rebel reinforcements

- Increased army attrition in encircled provinces

- Start value of AI aggressiveness is now 50%

- AI aggression in the "Age of Civilizations" mode is now 325% instead of 125%


List of innovations in update 1.1.7: 


Changes in AI (Artificial Intelligence):

- The AI is now better at assimilating provinces.

- The AI is now better at allocating money to budget spending

- The AI now sends fewer troops to the border with an unintended enemy

- The AI now makes better use of festival mechanics

- Now the AI is better at offering alliances and unions

- The AI is now better at spending points in peace conferences

- AI can now build larger alliances with each other more often

Interface update:

- Changed the load indicator interface

- Added a volumetric flag to all interface types

- Changed the color of boot menu lettering

- Changed boot color to another

Changes in Sandbox mode:

- Now the maximum number of coins given out in the mode is !1!

- Now the maximum number of action points given out is 1000

Vassal Changes:

- The game now automatically puts 18% in the "tribute" tab for vassals.

- The minimum value to increase a vassal's desire for freedom now starts at 20%.

Changes to Buildings:

- Port will now be built 1 turn

- Changed cost of some buildings

Console commands:

- Localized commands into Russian

- Added ability to open console by pressing "`" [PC] key

Changes in the budget menu:

- The research color in the budget menu is now white

- Expenditure colors in the budget menu are now brighter.

- Increased the efficiency of getting technology points through the budget menu

- There will now be no limit when investing in a province, and development will continue even after reaching 1.0

Other changes:

- Fixed mechanics of declaring independence

- Wars can now only be declared after 10 turns

- Population losses during battles increased

- Technology fixes

- Changed localization

- Changes in military fatigue

- Fixed errors in regions on the map

- Fixed some connections between provinces

- Changes in "technological" attack troops

- Changed in ideology bonuses

We hope you enjoy it!

Here you can download the new version


Google Link - PC


Google - Link - android


Installation instructions for the mod:

move the folder from the archive to the desktop. To start the game, go to the folder and run Bloody_Europe II.jar (there are changes to the game code on the jar).


1.Download and run the file;

2. Install as normal game;

3. (Recommended) Delete the game cache if another mod or original game is present on the device;

4. Start the game (if the game freezes at 49% load, then turn off the game and start again).


Hi i found something that might be a bug so when i request a province for 100 gold the give it to me sometimes but sometimes not it is changeing with the country i think you should make it a feature 

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Привіт, чи є спосіб змінити мову клавіатури, мені це потрібно лише для моїх лінійок, країн, сценаріїв?

Edited by Serg Game

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😝 Hello, are you planning to add a population census to the game? For example, we would be given an approximate population statistic, but if we increase the sponsorship of state centralization, then the statistics will be more accurate. However, if we need more accurate statistics, we can find a solution called "Population Census". If we conduct a population census, we can get more accurate statistics, which means we can find out more accurate mobilization capabilities of citizens and so on.

Also, after the war and annexation of territories, we will not be able to know the exact population of this region, and we will receive less money and mobilization capabilities from it. But after the census, we will update the data, and we will also find out about their population, that is, their faith, nationality and so on.

Thank you for your attention!

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